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NQR Holiday baking

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Hi All,

I wonder if any of you are doing any holiday baking. I did my yearly marathon baking this weekend. I start Friday night by mixing up about 7 different rolled cookies so that I can start early Sat. without being real awake! LOL I can roll cookies in my sleep. I put in 27 hours from Fri. evening through Sunday night! This is what I made this year:

Sugar cookies - decorated with royal icing - 7 doz.

Butter spritz cookies with butter cream frosting - 5 doz.

Ginger snaps - 4 doz

Peanut butter cup cookies - 6 doz

Peanut Sitting pretties - 4 doz

Peanut butter Spritz cookies dipped in choc & nuts

Awesome Peanut Butter Choc. Chip Cookies

Snicker Doodles - 6 doz

Carmel Delights 4 doz

Mexican Wedding cakes - 5 doz

Lemon Coconut Drops - 4 doz

Peach Cream cheese puffs - 4 doz

Hello Dolly Bars

Oatmeal Fudge Bars

Casseroll Cookies - 7 doz

Raspberry White Chocolate (heavenly) cookies - 7 doz

Peanut butter balls with white choc. coating - 6 doz

Turtles - 7 doz

Fudge with nuts

Fudge without nuts

Peanut butter fudge

Peanut brittle


I think that is it...I still need to make the spiced nuts but I\'m tired! I bring in a couple of trays to work, send a tray in with hubby and then pack up tins for my family and friends. I start getting calls from people around Oct. asking me when cookie day is. :P Two funny ones this year - my son called to say that one of the nurses he works with asked when his mom was sending her special package (he shares a little) and one of the guys that went to work for another company and called to find out when cookie day was! The funniest of all time was when my hubby got orders to leave Quantico and we had been there 6 years. We got orders in May. Well I got a call first thing the next morning asking when the cookies would be ready. They wanted to take leave and come down and pick up their cookies from our new duty station! While we were stationed in Quantico they would call in Oct. to make sure they didn\'t request their leave until after cookie day!

I love doing it and enjoy it but I think I need an elf or two next year! :D:D:D I\'ve gotten it down to a science but boy am I worn out at the end of it all! This year my daughter was going to come help but her bf got strep throat and she didn\'t want to come and share! My son\'s gf helped me two years ago and said she needed to start training in Sept. to get ready and she only made it one day! Hilarious.

I hope you all are enjoying the season. I still have gifts to make but I\'m glad that the cookies are behind me. I\'ll be packing the tins all up tomorrow and trying to find my dining room table.


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What a wonderful story. Hope you have had time to get some rest. I got tired just thinking about it. What a great testimony to what a wonderful cook you are. Hope you slow down and have a wonderful Christmas Season. I would have been lucky to get a couple of those done in a weekend. You go Girl!!!


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And I thought I was bad.

Here\'s my list:

5 doz spritz cookies

20 doz sugar cookies, individually painted then sprinkled with colored sugar

6 doz choc cov peanuts

6 doz marshmallow/caramel crispies

variety of dipped pretzles

6 doz bourbon balls

8 batches of homemade chex mix

1 large 8 x 11 cherry mash

6 doz carmel/coconut balls

fudge w/ nuts and fudge w/o nuts

6 doz haystacks

6 doz peanut/kiss cookies

It\'s our turn to go home to hubby\'s family for x-mas this year. We havent been home for 6 yrs (for x-mas). Last 2 times (as we go every other year) we were having to take care of my parents. First mom broke her leg, then 2 yrs ago, dad has his 2nd heart surgery, and they were living w/us for 6 mo\'s.

So, Grandma says "we are anxiously awaiting all your goodies, since you havent been home for 6 yrs for x-mas".

So, I cant get out of it, no matter how...what...when...etc. Anywy, I love doing it as well.

Merry X-mas all!

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Angela - It is exhausting but I just enjoy it so. I have to hold myself back from adding new ones each year!

Sandra - come on up but hurry they will be gone soon!

Sheri - Yup you got the sickness! :P:P:P Good thing for me is that I get cured in a weekend ;)

Cheryll - I have to ration those that I know can\'t have them. My mom has diabetes and I really have to ration her. I try to behave but honestly after cooking all of them the last thing I want is sugar! I think my pores absorb it. Well weight...always a problem!

Rita - you\'ll be too busy being a new mama to Penny!


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I used to have a baking marathon one weekend in December. We would gather at a neighbors house and bake about 40 different cookie recipes. Then they were divided among ourselves and placed in cpkie tins. This year I am not doing this. Some of my fellow bakers passed away and it doesn\'t seem right to do it without them. I will be baking for an office pot luck lunch next week. I am making cheesecake cookies, lemon curd bars and kringle sticks-a pastry filled cookie.

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This past weekend my 16 and 11 year old daughters and I made 10 dozen pirogies. And this weekend my daughters mentioned above and my 7 year old twin daughters are starting our cookie baking. Although it\'s not as big as some of yours but we send cookie trays to the elementry, junior high and high school (I have kids in all 3 of the schools this year) as well as to my DH\'s work, and to all of our neighbors. This is what\'s on our list of baking...

Gingerbread boys & girls (fully decorated) 4 doz

Ice Cream Kolacky (grandma\'s recipe) 6 doz

Spritz 12 doz

Oatmeal Raisin Spice 4 doz

Double Peanut Butter 4 doz

Chocolate Chip 4 doz

Chocolate Snickerdoodles 5 doz

Regular Snickerdoodles 5 doz

Peanut Butter Kisses 5 doz

Pecan Tassies 4 doz

Almond Roca Cookies 4 doz

Chocolate Toffee Bars 3 doz

Butter-Nut-Snowballs 4 doz

White Peppermint Fudge

Chocoalte Walnut Fudge

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I made candy all day Saturday. Packaged it up into tins on Monday with the intention of giving it for Christmas presents.

In my concern of branches dropping onto my son\'s car, I moved my daughter\'s car into the street to juggle the cars already in the driveway, and in trying to get it back up my stupid hill of a driveway, proceeded to get it stuck. I ended up giving away two of my tins to the kind men who helped us get the car unstuck and back into the driveway (which later slid almost into the street). I hope they enjoyed the candy, because I really appreciated the help getting the car out of the street!

I\'m not sure if I have the energy to spend another day making candy, though!

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Heidi - sounds really yummy!! I bet your house smells great! I would love to

come and help, how far away are you? And what is "Stollen"? Is it a type of

coffee cake or something.....

Joann - Please tell me what "Ice cream Kolacky" is?

These all sound so good!

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Stollen is a german bread. I make mine a little different than a traditional recipe. I make a egg bread, raisins, chopped dates, chopped appricots with lemon & orange peel. I make a big batch. Martha Stuart has a recipe that her mom makes although she puts in a lot of spices and cognac that I don\'t put in. It is the best breakfast bread you can have! The girls just love when I bring it in. It freezes really well so we can have it for a while.

I put all the cookies in tins and made some plates for neighbors and I still have 5 containers of cookies! My son got his box which weighted 17 lbs! He said he ate one of everything immediately just to make sure it shipped ok!


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