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NQR - Weight Watchers....

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Greetings Ladies and Gents,

Are there any WW out there? I have decided to give myself a early X-Mas present and join on-line. Several years ago, I lost 50 lbs with WW and now I have gain "just a little" back...so I am back on.

If there are others, we could encourage each other .... thoughts


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Add me to the list. I\'ve been going for about 1 year, have lost about 35 so far, and want it to be more. I know, the slower it comes off, the better. However..... My husband complimented me on the weight loss the other night, so that helps. Holidays are harder when there are all the goodies floating around, also my stress level has been up with mom, but should be going down again, and therefore, so should my weight!


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Yes, I agree that the holidays can be the hardest. I found out the last time that I worked real hard the weeks up to the holiday and than I could enjoy myself with moderation. But, I found myself not eating much...surprized I guess would be the word for it.

Instead of Pumpkin pie, try this...one spice cake mix - mix with one can of pumpkin - put in muffin pan and bake (can\'t remember amount of time, but us your judgment)..they are only 1 point each. Try them with Fat Free Cool Whip...YUM YUM

We will stay in tounch and share our weight losses!!!!

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I don\'t do WW or Jenny Craig or any of those places but I do try to stick to an exercise routine (currently on hold until after the holidays) and watch what I eat. I do cardio 3 days a week and weight lift 2 days a week and I eat 5-6 smaller balanced meals a day that are low fat and I try to cut out all refined sugar and over processed foods. you would be suprised at how much weight comes off by just cutting out the junk/ nibbling in between meals. I was a size 6 right out of high school and am still a size 6 even with 18 years of marriage and given birth to 5 kids.

The key to weight loss is to make sure you burn off more calories each day than you eat...so make wise food choices and exercise.

Good luck and keep us posted so we can cheer you on to keep you motivated.

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I too need to get back on my WW! I have lost 35 lbs twice. Each time I have gained it back it was over a couple of years and it always stress induced. The last time I was on it I was just recovering from a lung problem. My lung collapsed 12 times over a two year period. Turned out to be endometriosis in my lung! I had a hysterectomy 3 years ago and haven\'t had a collapse since. Unfortunately menopause just didn\'t help with weight control at all. I go down 10 - 15 lbs and then slowly but surely I get off track. My biggest problem is time...I need to make the time to make the right food choices. Bad excuse I know but I\'m waiting for the holidays to be over and then I\'ll get back on track. Maybe I can be down 30 lbs by summer!


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I\'ll be thinking of you all tomorrow when I go for my Thrus. at work meeting. After the first of the year, I\'ll really get back on track, and start doing 2 meetings a week. I love my leader, she does both meetings, and the support from the other people in our groups is great. I don\'t think I\'ll be down much, if at all this week, but at least I\'m still making the meeting.


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Weigh to go everyone (did you get the pun)....we will support each other through this hard process.

I do the menu\'s on line and they are great. You get a weeks worth of menus and a shopping list and you don\'t have to decide what is for supper...how good is that. (You do get to choose from about 5-6 things on the menu for each meal, so you don\'t have to make something that you decided you didn\'t like.)

So, it is off to make my Cereal with Raisins and Milk

Lunch will be a Garden Vegetable Burger and for my supper Honey-Soy Chicken with Mango Salsa - YUM-O

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Hey, I am a WW also..been at it on line since 2003..I have lost over 30...four crept up over the fall and am struggling to remove them...I decided not to wait until after the holidays to work at it, it probaly would be 8 or more then. Jus remember all WW \'s cool whip is a vegetable (just a joke, I think I know better)

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Just remember that over the holiday desserts spelled backward is stressed. Scope out the food before filling up your plate and if there is a dessert that you want plan your points around it so you aren\'t denying yourself that. We all know that if you tell the inner 2 yr old that they can\'t have that dessert they will throw a fit and you will wind up eating it any way and then feel worse and if you are like me think well I\'ve blown it might as well eat more and really blow it....

Sorry 4 years of being a WW leader.

I know how can I be a leader and let myself gain most of it back. Well I got sick about 4 years ago and couldn\'t hardly move for a year. Being a depression eater and not being able to excercise at all, it just adds up.

I was thinking about going back and this might be the kick in the pants that I need. I\'ll let you know.

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I to am a WW, having lost 35 lbs since March. I have not lost any since October, but I do plan to ATTACK it once January rolls in.

But I really do have a different question. There are a number of posts like these one which starts out as "NRQ - Weight Watchers....". What does "NQR" mean? I understand most of the idioms, but I can\'t figure this one out.

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"NQR" Not quilting related. At least that\'s my thought.

Sheryl, Thanks for the comment about the inner 2 yo. I was beginning to beat myself up for the one cookie that made it through my defenses, but then you have to remember that you can\'t deny yourself everything.

Thanks to all for the support.


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That is awesome Beth. Keep up the good work.

Carol Ann, Do you eat the same amount of points everyday and about the same foods? Ours bodies are creatures of habit and when we eat the same amount of points and the same foods, our body gets use to that and goes into hibernation mode. If you stir up your points, say you always use 3 pts for Breakfast change it to 6, or if you stay at the lowest range of pts, go to the higher side for a day or two and then back. That can break a plateau.

I really miss being a leader.

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Sure seems like it will help the stress when it is going in my mouth! LOL that is the time when my will power is non-existent! I jsut need to give myself a big kick in the pants and plan healthy! I know if I plan on things it will be fine. I don\'t like most of the frozen meals and prefer fresh/homemade...problem is TIME! I just need to take some time write down my menu choices and go from there. I don\'t like to have a menu for the week because then I\'m not in the mood for that meal...lol can you tell I\'m a spur of the moment kind of girl!


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I lost about 20 lbs. on WW online a few months ago, still have 30 to go but just decided to ignore it for a while, too much else going on.

I must say I hated the online program. I could not relate to any of the chat groups. There did not seem to be much adult, or leader, supervision; mostly people just griping about stuff. I actually did better once I stopped looking at the website & just followed the program on my own. So, I will do that again & would love to join this group.

My mother passed away yesterday, after a very long illness. I am trying to make arrangements & get all the documentation together to open probate in California, so I will not be doing much else for the next couple weeks, & will probably not even check this group or my e-mail while I am over there, but I would like to start right after the first of the year.

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