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What color is your quilting studio?

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Kathy--my daughter painted the quotes on the walls for me--and if I get sick of them--I can just repaint. The other ones read--Whatever you are, be a good one. I am here to live out loud. Blessings brighten when we count them. and.. Where God guides, God provides.

I like to have who I am evident in my space and thanks for the comment.

I looked through scrapbooking things and on the internet to find most of them. The one about God guiding was on a sign outside a church and I had to right it down so I wouldn\'t forget.


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Julie I think your studio color is the same as what I just got for the family room, its called beachwalk by Behr. Your space is amazing and I love it! I was just telling one of my kids that I need a tv on the wall so when there is a new technique dvd out, I can practice at the same time as the instruction!!

Terri, oh my gosh I am profoundly moved by the phrase "Where God guides, God provides". My life is a living testimony to that fact. Just seeing that in print it really struck me in such a way. Thanks for sharing!

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My quilting room is a kind of blue, with pink/lavender tinge if you see it in certain lights. and a gray blue in others or a blue. restful, easy on the eyes. dosn\'t seem to detract from colors, and it\'s not white. It\'s such a small room and full, that I really couldn\'t go bright.. but needed light color, and good lighting.


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Mine was a barely lavender--one of those nearly white colors. Next time it will be a purple that doesn\'t look white but still rather light. Hopefully I will have enough room and light to have some live plants.

I know I don\'t want to put my computer in the same room as my mahcine. Way too tempting to check in on forums etc. rather than working. I do want a TV that I can play quilting DVDs on and of course music channels.

Love the idea of using pegboard on the walls !!! I will be moving sometime this year and that\'s a great idea if I have to finsih a basement or whatever for my new studio (sanding that mud for sheetrock is NOT fun). Currently my Millie is in my dining room. Very boring very light taupe in every room.

Moved in with my Mom whose health was failing and me in the midst of a divorce so the color scheme definately isn\'t mine. jeri

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My studio is sad in comparison to all of yours...no color...just paneling and it will be that way as long as I live :( The basement is my studio...At least I get the whole thing...including the gigantic bar that comes equipped with batting and fabric.

Isn\'t it sad in comparison...can\'t even get creative. I have one window - behind the bar...If I ever win the lotto (if I would ever play I might have a chance) I\'m at least putting in some windows.


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My room has had paneling since we moved into the house 25+ years ago. I\'ve threatened to paint it several times, but it hasn\'t been done. I love Gator\'s idea of the pegboard. I\'m wondering how it was put up to leave the necessary space for the hooks to go in. I have a 3\'x4\' pegboard already. It would be wonderful to have it on all the walls, I think. Hmmm.... I wonder how expensive that would be? I think I\'d paint it the cashmire gray color, or I like soft yellow.

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Mary Beth, you have a bar in your basement? Hmmm...I thought you didn\'t drink! And, if you don\'t drink, then why don\'t you tear the bar out of there so you have more space? Maybe you can move your Milli over to where the bar is now? Maybe then you would have more natural light because of the window that is there? And if DH insists on keeping the bar, move the bar to another place in the basement? Don\'t wait for the lotto -- just do it! ;) The basement is your space so you should make it the way you want to. It doesn\'t have to cost a lot of $$ to fix it up a little bit and ripping out a bar is not that difficult, methinks. And, if you don\'t want to keep that bar in your house, I understand that someone might want to buy that bar to put in their house? You could sell it and keep the $$ for more rulers and batting and stuff...

You could move your batting and fabric to where your Milli is now? I do not know your floor plan and if this would work or not, but thought I\'d open my big mouth and say something. :) (you know how hard it is for me to keep my yapper shut...)

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Oh Shana, the basement is my space, but DH\'s name is on the deed too...funny thing about that....he thinks that gives him a say so!! ;)

Let me take a picture of the bar and I will show you...we could really have some quilt parties...if I drank...or bought booze...whatever else go with all that....(was going to say party...but I have fun with the best of \'em).

Gone to take more pictures!!

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He took them!!!

Our washing machine bit the dust...but he thought he could fix it :P:D:D:P:D:P sooooo, he borrowed my pink handled tools!!

Another one for the record books...I have been lazy and have been quiltng and working and rocking a baby instead of going to the gym. I finally decided I needed to go. When I got my lard self up on the machines and turned on my MP3 player I discovered that he switched out ear buds. Ick. So I stopped by Best Buy on my way home and bought pink ear buds...bet he won\'t take \'em again!!;)

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Oh, yes, that is a drop ceiling...when we moved into this house we found out the talk of the neighborhood was that the man in this house the the lady next door were....well....we\'ll just say there was a path from one house to the other ;) I found an 8x10 portrait of her in my drop ceiling!!

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Mine sewing studio is painted a color called buttercream, and it is exactly that--a cross between butter and cream.

Someone once told me that walls should be a neutral taupe so that I wouldn\'t get a color cast from the walls. However, when I looked at the various shades of taupe, I found that taupe can have undertones from grey to purple to green. So, I just painted my room a color I enjoy. My design wall is covered in white flannel so blocks/quilts placed on it are on a neutral. Plus I have two Ott lights in the room so I have natural light. Incandescent light does have a yellow cast. so many things to consider and far more info than what you probably wanted.

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Mary Beth, my basement was all paneled as well. But since I am the master of disaster...me and the kids tore it all out. Yah, can\'t fix it myself, but I can destroy an entire room in an afternoon!! LOL My nephew and brother in law put the drywall back up and I am mudding and finishing it myself. I just hate it, but at least it saves money and after restoring a 100+ year old home, I have way too much experience to pay some one else to do it for me. My studio is being drywall and reconfigured somewhat tomorrow. One closet is being turned into an alcove type shelving area and a closet is being closed off in there and then opened up in the laundry room and the door to the laundry room from the studio is being closed off too. Why would I want to do laundry while I am trying to quilt!!! LOL

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I remodeled the masterbath once when DH went deer hunting....lessoned learned....never, ever do that again. I thought my marriage was over. He tore the junk off the walls that I had put up and it tore the sheet rock so he just tore everything out and left the studs. I had the ugliest bathroom in Kansas City. Never, ever, will I tear anything up without his knowledge and approval.

He doesn\'t want a dog or a cat either....but I feel like a woman who wants to have a baby....I may just sneak in a Golder Retriever. I\'ll let you all know how that goes over ;)

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I got the peg board at the local hardware store (Home Depot). They had white (paintable), gray and the usual brown each was fairly cheap. The brown came in different thicknesses but I wasn\'t sure how paintable it might be. It came in 4ft X 8ft sheets (they also had 4ft x 4ft). It\'s very easy to install. I got several lenghts of 2in x 2in wood strips which I screwed into the studs then screwed the pegboard into the wood strips. If you don\'t like the seams showing you could put molding over them. I love being able to hang things on the wall anytime I want without having to get out the hammer, nails, etc. I also found 6in and 8in shelf brackets for the peg-board so I can easily add shelves too.

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Mary Beth, YOu are tooo funny!! I agree with Tracie, you could paint that panneling. I did that in a hallway in my upstairs and I was very happy with the way it looks!! Can\'t believe how much it brightened things up!! Just let hubby know that if you painted, the fish would show up so much better!! :) But ya know, no matter what the walls look like, it looks to me that you have a great space to work in!! linda

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