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Attaching new canvas leaders

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Yipee! I just picked up my Ult 1 and 14ft looks a lot bigger in a room than when you are just using a measuring tape!

I am so excited!!! I have spent the last 3 hours with goo-gone and a toothbrush removing all of the sticky residue from where the company put tape everywhere. She is getting ready - slowly but surely.

The canvas leaders are really dirty and the guy gave me some more canvas so that I could replace them. I know they used industrial glue before - any suggestions on the best way to remove and replace the leaders?

I expect to be posted quite a bit asking for your expert advise since I have a new (to me) machine with no manual.

Jumping for Joy in Texas,


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Yes, I seem to remember seeing someone suggest even using duct tape, but I could not find the tread - I searched canvas, leaders, glue, duct tape, replace, canvas leaders...no luck.

lol - I have got to take a shower. I smell like an entire orange grove exploded from scrubbing with that goo-gone for so long. Hey, there are worse things I could smell like right?


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I used 12 inch pieces with about 6 inch spaces between, worked great and didn\'t have to deal with the whole length long...;););):cool:I love it that you have the original tape too;);)Oh btw, don\'t use more tape on the metal roller, about 1/4 on the roller, 3/4 on the leader worked great:cool::cool:

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I like Michaelalan\'s thought, though I haven\'t had to replace my leaders.

Remember that you don\'t need a permanent attachment. After the leaders are attached and rolled once, the rest of the leader will hold the beginning in place.

Unless you unroll all the way to the beginning, any strongish tape should work.

Whatever you do now to attach the leader may come back to haunt you in a few years when you decide to replace again--remember the elbow grease and Goo-Gone it took to get off the adhesive this time!

Amy, have a great time with your new machine! It is so much fun and so satisfying whether you start a business or not.

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When attaching new leaders I clean the rail, squeeze a good line of Elmer\'s glue down the rail place the canvas(making sure it is straight) press it down by running my hands down it a few times and doing any adjusting that may need to be made. Then run a strip of blue painters tape along the edge. You can use duct tape in a few places if you like, then roll.


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I didn\'t want to glue cause of the mess and rust, Glue will eventually dry up and fall off the rollers, when stretched the tension does pull at the glue spots and masking tape, my rollers had spots of glue here and there with the masking tape, which is why I replaced the original tape job. My canvases stretched out in various spots along the roller after a few years, so the duct tape came into play, Then eventually the new canvases, and it works far better than the glue and masking tape did....also cleaning the goop off the rollers after the duct tape is removed isn\'t that hard, goo gone will do the trick....The glue will also cause your rollers to rust under the glue spots, it chipped off and took the paint with it, the rust spots were under each glue spot where the paint chipped off.....I had to sand the spots out and touch up with spray paint, the duct tape hasn\'t rusted anything....:cool::cool::cool::):):)

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Thank You for this thread... Finally, an answer to "how are the leaders attached to the rollers?\'

When we got Penny, nothing would stick to the rollers.. not the velcro, tape, duct tape, blue tape or glue. We had to end up sanding the surface.. now most things stick.

With Penny, the leaders were not attached.. the rollers are each two sections.


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Gotta put my two cents in here:-) I replaced my leaders and used the nylon string enforced strapping tape. (clear looking with threads showing in it) I used a chalk line from hubbys shop and snapped a straight line down the length of the roller and used that for a guide. Put the tape about half on the leaders, half on the roller.

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Sweet! Duct tape I can handle! Another question...how long should the leaders actually be? I have a new roll of canvas ready to go, but would like to use the "measure twice, cut once method" for once. I tend to get so excited that I just go for it. I am trying to be patient, but it is not easy with my new machine calling my name.

Oh, one more thing....there was a lot of tape on the track/rails and now that I have spent hours scrubbing it off, I wonder if it might have been their solution to cover bumps or scratches. If there are scratches on the aluminum rails, it that something that you file down?

I was holding out on ordering an old manual because the previous owner thought he knew where his was. No such luck. If there are any ULT 1 owners out there that could post a picture of your set up, that would be great. I am going to have to figure out which rail goes where and any visual would be a tremendous help!

I am SO GLAD to have found this forum. I look forward to the day that I can be of help instead of just mooching from all of you. Can\'t be a newbie forever right? ;)


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I used duct tape too. LOVE duct tape!!

I bought heavy duck cloth at JoAnn\'s, with coupon, $3/yd. 60" fabric, cut in half and serged the edges. checked for "square", straight, etc. The cool thing is that I can recycle those when they become out of shape - wash the fabric and make grocery totes out of them...

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Bobbi, may I ask.. in the first photo.. closest part of the \'whole set up, the gray box and the black and silver things.. lol sorry.. are they the fabric advance, the table raising and lowering divices, or something totally unrelated.

I know the hydrolic lift isn\'t yet for Lenni, but can\'t find much info about anything else.. I feel like I\'m in limbo.

Thanks for help.


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It\'s the motor for my "take up" roller... I don\'t have lifts, and I really really wish I had a stitch regulator.... but it runs really well.

With the motor, my whole set up is almost 15 feet. My living room is 40 feet x 11.5\'.

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Bobbi -

Bless you for posting pictures! I cannot tell you how much of a help that is. My machine came with 4 rollers. From what I have heard there is one that I really do not need. Since I have the table with the springs and it looks like it is not going to be easy to adjust the back roller, I was going to try to mount that extra roller to make the set up like yours and the more recent models where the take up roller does not ever have to be adjusted.

Do you think the bar that keeps the quilting surface level (with nothing wrapped around it) would actually have to roll? or would a stationary bar do the job?

Another question for you about your wheels. I have the older wheels and was wondering how big of a difference they made for you. We are still working on adjustments, but my machine is moving pretty smooth (I think), but as I move down the frame it is...kind of like a weighted ball rolling...moves quickly and then slows down as if the wheel is worn down unevenly. I\'m not sure if that makes much sense.


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