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Crying icon??

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I am wondering if we can have a "possible tears" icon? My tears are still very close to the surface since my father passed away. and more than once I have read an entry that has brought me to tears. The most recent was Shana\'s What is love? and other NQR entries. Now I know it is mostly what I am going thru but it would be nice to have an idea that I may not want to read a certain entry today, you know kind of like the "towel on the doorknob" signal?

Sewhappy (most of the time)

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Sewhappy...when Greg died a couple of months ago, my minister warned me that people will say "time heals" and it surely won\'t make you feel better. She was right, it feels like they are saying that he was a wound that will heal and go away! She said, time doesn\'t heal but it does make it more bearable. Those words gave me some comfort, so I wish the same for you.


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The wound is your LOSS and some wounds, like the loss of a parent mean that YOUR grieving (and healing) will take the time it takes.

Maybe you could prevent the tears, by a signal, but maybe you need the tears... you will know. I am sure your pain is immense, and I will pray that your peace comes oftener than your tears. Take care of yourself

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Patty, I am sorry to hear that you are feeling blue, I know what you feel. Hopefully, you have a good support group--quilting friends, or others--who will just let you cry when you need to. I find myself still crying and it has been just a bit over a year, there will be something that sets me off, and then I am fine for awhile. I had a dream about my dad a few months after he passed away and that is actually what gets me through those real bad times--to know he is safe, happy and okay where he is---I just see him in his beautiful garden surrounded by the things that he loved. We all handle things our own way. But I NEVER apologize for crying, it helps cleanse the soul. Peace be with you, Judy

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I\'m so sorry for your loss. I know its hard to believe now, but it will get easier with time. The first year after my Dad\'s death was very difficult for me. I found that I shed a lot of tears in the shower and in the car when I was by myself. It did get better.

Don\'t be afraid to shed tears. They are a part of healing. There\'s a song that came to mean a lot to me after I lost my dad. I really think that the name itself says it all. The song is called, "Tears Are a Language God Understands."

God bless and comfort you!

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