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Edgerider Wheels

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Has anyone replaced the new black wheels with Edgerider wheels?

Did it make a difference in the smoothness of the machine?

I\'ve also heard that the wheels can get a flat spot if the machine sits in one place too long. Is that true? Has anyone experienced this?

Thanks for the input!!


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Hi Debi,

I have the edgerider wheels and it really made a huge difference for me. My machine never sits long enough to get flat spots. The new wheels are smooth gliding. BEWARE!!! they are really a booger to change out. At least they were for me. There is almost no tech support. I would still do it again if need be.



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I had a neighbor put mine on, and he made them too tight... I\'ve adjusted and had to add another washer to the front, which I did myself...

I\'m really happy with the way they move the machine now, my round moves are round, and the only time they\'re not is if it is "operator error"!

Do it, you\'ll love them!

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I also have them. They are very smooth. My only problem is my table. I keep working with it and one day it will be perfect. I would get them again in a heart beat. The rumor about a flat spot is w/the old edgeriders. They were made of a different material, I\'m told. It would be nice if APQS contracted w/edgerider and put them on in the first place!!! They are no more expensive for the comsumer than the black ones that come w/the machine. I ruined a black one and it cost $40 to replace it. Same price as each edgerider.

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Okay, I\'m not with the program, or ususally way behind the program. I thought the "new wheels" on the APQS machines, the black wheels, as opposed to the old brown wheels, are suppose to be just as good as the Edge Rider wheels. I thought the Edge Rider was mostly for Gammill machines. But after reading these posts, some of you are APQS owners and you have the wheels...and probably never had the old brown wheels - that I still have. Maybe I should just skip the black wheels and go straight to the Edge Riders.

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I replaced the original brown wheels with the black ones from APQS and then replaced the black ones with the white edgerider. I had the black ones a couple of years.

There is a big difference. I\'m not convinced I have them adjusted correctly yet but it\'s a lot better.

Now --- a question. I was told that we should expect the life of these wheels to only be about a year. Have any of you heard that?

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The only experience that I have is with the HQ16 but I\'ll jump in with that. I\'ve had mine since last October. A lot of HQ owners have had them on for a few years and I\'ve never read anything on that forum to the effect that they don\'t last or how long they do last (hope that makes sense). They did say something about the previous ER\'s going flat, but that problem seems to have been fixed.

Hope this is clearer than mud,


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