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Finished Cross-Stitched Quilt

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Well, I finished the quilt that came to me as a lime grn. and purple quilt top and was actually a TOTAL mess!!!! So after talking to my client we went together and bought new fabric and I designed a new quilt around these Cross-stitched blocks, then quilted it for her. She knows nothing about sewing, much less quilting but she spent a lot of money on these blocks because they were done by a lady she knows that came here on the Orphan Train. This lady is almost totally blind and my client and her mother have written two books and a third is in the making about the Orphan Train. Now on Aprit 26th and 27th a Reunion will be help in Fremont, NE for all those that came on the train as children and they are coming from all over the country and they are having a quilt show and two auctions and etc. So this quilt will be hanging there for others to see......so my client is going to type up a bio and pin it to the quilt so people know how it came about. My client is only 15 yrs old and she is recovering from Lyme (sp) Disease that she contacted 4 yrs ago.

Now..........this is the challenge!!! I am going to try to post my first pic and it is of the finished quilt that she named "Flowers of Faith".


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Hi Sandra--

The Orphan Train was a train that traveled through the midwest (US) carrying orphans and abandoned children from the over-crowded orphanages in the big Eastern cities. The children ranged in age up to teenagers. Some had families waiting to adopt them and some were hoping to find families. The train would stop and prospective parents could inspect (!) the children for an adoption. In the Midwest, farm families might just be looking for a prospective farm hand and some of the stories are heartbreaking. Siblings might be separated forever and some children only stayed long enough to become old enough to run away. It is an interesting story--a "solution" for social ills that wasn\'t a complete success. Go on-line to read more and see what people are doing to reunite and tell their stories.

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Thank you all for your nice comments. My client was in tears when she saw it.

You are so right Linda about the story of the Orphan Train....some of them are heart wrenching. The lady that made the Cross-Stitched blocks is one of the children that came here on that very train with her sister. But her sister has died a yr or two ago and this second bood is dedicated to that sister. When my client came to pick up her quilt she brought a DVD and both the first and second books they wrote and signed them too. I am now anxious to read them and watch the DVD.....some history you forget about. This will be very interesting.

Getting back to the quilt......I will try to describe what I did. I SID around the block and the blue frame. In the block itself I used blue thread and echoed around the ribbons and whatever color the flowers were that is what I used in the center. Then I did a simple feather in the floral sashing between the blocks and a butterfly in the purple cornerstones. Then in the purple border i did a sort of lazy 8 with a connecting loop.....and Feathers on the outside border. I will try to add more pics.


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Renae, WOW! 1st...congrats on posting the pic! It feels good when it goes thru, doesn\'t it! I remember when I first did it. I was soooo proud of myself too! LOL!

2nd, That quilt looks beautiful. You sure did pick the right fabric for those blocks. I cant wait to see close-ups, as w hat you describe sounds just lovely!!!!

Also, congrats on having your work hung up in public for everyone to see! Just look at what leads that will get for ya!


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