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Thank you Bonnie

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Chris...it can be used on a poly batting, but you do need to turn down your iron...and be more careful of it ....if you are going to do this while on the frame, besure to hold a towel or something thick under the quilt so you don\'t burn your hand when you iron from the top.

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Dear Bonnie,

I vote for you to do an "info-merical" on this technique!

Okay, maybe a U-tube would work, think of all the buts & gray hairs you could save/spare your fellow LA quilters!!;)

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I can just see you now in your new career!

The "Ironing Swat Team", saving one LA quilter at a time from those tent quilts!:P

Insert the logo on the van~

"Bonnie\'s Fabulous Butt-Savin\' Steam Starch Method"

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That\'s great Linda...thanks for the laugh. Actually the CD/DVD that will run on your computer is just about done...I hate my voice on tape so am having issues with that, but when done it will be ready for sale.... for those who are interested if you will U2U me I will get you on the list and let you know as soon as I get it finished and proofed...the cost will be $15.00.

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Help, I think I\'m going to try the method for the first time...getting to the end of a quilt and it\'s just a-waving at me! Having trouble searching for the instructions so if someone could direct me to them I would much appreciate it!!! I really hoped to have this one off the machine today :(

Thanks, Sandra

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Bonnie, waiting for that DVD. I have so many "friendly" quilts. I have one now that the two middle blocks are having a tent party but the quilt is nice and square. I am afraid to do Bonnie\'s miracle on it for fear it will no longer be square. so I stand and stare at it with "the look" :Phoping it will get so frightened by my mean look the blocks will straighten themselves out. Used to work for me when my mom gave me "the look"

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