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All that practice quilted material... do you donate it?

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Everyone talks of practicing and practicing, and that is good.

But what do you do with the quilted stuff you end up with?

I make pads for cats and dogs in the shelters around where I live. Just cut them up to the size specified by the shelter (the crates and cages are specific sizes) and put on a hefty binding and do some extra rounds of sewing at the edges to hold those lines of stitching that I\'ve cut across very tight.

Of course the ultimate recipient means I get to practice on fabric somewhat more interesting than muslin alot of times. Or at least the backing fabric (which will become the \'top\' of the donated pad) is fun. Still use muslin to see where my stitching goes, sometimes.

I\'d be interested to hear what you all do with the practice quilted material.

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I have 2 uses for them:

I use it on my ironing area. I have 2 "dressers" I got at garage sales, and covered the tops of them with older practice pieces. Those are my ironing tables.

Some of the practice pieces I have quilting that I like and would like to offer to customers. Those I cut up and put in a sample box so they can see the design and see if they want it.

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If it\'s actually a pieced quilt, (a yucky one I don\'t like very well) I donate it to one of my guilds for a charity quilt. They have a number of charity organizations they provide quilts to. If it\'s just muslin that I let everyone play on, (kids, neighbor kids, friends), I cut it up and serge the edges. The smaller ones go to the SPCA and the large ones go to my dogs. My cat has his own pieced kitty quilt that he knows is his and loves dearly. He cuddles up and sleeps on it every single day. And he will share with you in "his" chair, but you better not move his quilt!;)

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Just this week a lady that was in where I work was asking me about my quilting, and I had told her that I had just finished a customer quilt, but didn\'t have another to put on right away, and was just practicing on muslin. She asked me what I did with my practice pieces. Well, so far I had done nothing with them but was thinking about doing the cutting them up and serging and giving to the dog pound in our town. She asked if I would be willing to give them to their church which sends things to Romainia!! She said they always need blankets and that would be great! I asked her, even if they look kind of funny? and she said yes.... it still keeps them warm!! So, I am going to be doing thaT!!! Thought that was kinda neat!! :) linda

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We have a place near us called Lifeline, they minister to women who are pregnant and help them to keep or adopt the baby and not abort. They provide financial help and donations for the mothers and they are always looking for blankets or baby quilts. This may be something that would work for some of those practice pieces and also wrapping up a baby that was saved!!

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I feel better now...First, I read that you guys are "un-sewing" some errors...I get so paranoid when I have to take something out...I figure I\'m a real failure and the only one in the world that has to pick stitches...now I feel like we\'re all about alike...and the other - practice? I still practice, leave the machine turned off and go over and over a pattern but figured I was probably the only one that had to still do this........ML Oh, and on the adoption thing...Am I too old?

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