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Wow!! Myrna's New feather DVD

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I received Myrna's new DVD, Fowlproof Feathers, today. Sat down and watched the whole thing, really good. She really has alot of info packed into that DVD. I need to finish the quilt I have on my machine so I can play and try to do some of her techniques. I recommend this DVD to anyone struggling with feathers or just need some new ideas to do with your feathers.


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Hy Myrna,

I watched your sample of the Feathering DVD. In it you use a lime green ruler to mark you stem. I looked for this ruler in your store, didn't find it. Where can that be purchased? I am going to order your DVD later today---I like that you have a "sample" view of your DVD'S!

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Thanks for your help on the phone last night. All is solved - they are sending me another Hartly. Love it that all of you are so nice - look forward to meeting you in person. And I did not cancel my golf game today - couldn't lie twice in a week about not feeling well when in fact I just wanted to PPP and get closer to doing my first quilt....LOL


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Would love to play any time - remember that I am in Calif. all winter - actually until June - better weather and more fun - Our club has 6 courses!! And yes I did have a good game today - but it was cold - why I hate summers here - never know when the marine layer is going to hit and how it is going to last. I am a sun person - why I alway add the smiley with sunglasses...LOL

again, thanks - will let you know how the LA U goes............

Meg:cool: (you see - I am praying for sun around here:P)

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ANYTHING MYRNA DOES IS GREAT!!! You can't go wrong adding her DVD's to your collection and attending her classes. I have learned so much from her and she makes it fun.

Coleen - I got my corsage pins at Michael's and JoAnns fabric store. A friend of mine got her from a local florist, but she paid a lot. I have a bowl of pins with the traditional white and another bowl with multi-color heads which I use on very light or white quilts or light areas of quilts as I get in a "zone" and tend to run into the white ones !

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