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NQR Mamma Mia the Movie - Loved it!

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Go and see Mamma Mia!! Such a feelgood factor... the cinema was packed out and we had to book. Great songs, great actors, gorgeous scenery, FUNNY and

everyone clapped at the end. I haven't seen such a good film in ages - we came out singing and laughing. People have critcised Pierce Brosnan's singing but I thought it quite gravelly and gorgeous! There was even nice fabric... do you think if I go and live in Corfu and put on my dungarees Pierce would come and sing to me?!:P

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I haven't seen the movie yet but I was in New York and saw Mama Mia on Broadway..........WOW!!!!!! :D:D:D IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!! EXCITING! FANTASTIC! WONDERFUL! MUSICAL!

FOOTSTOMPING! and every other adjective you can think of to describe it. It just makes you want to get up and dance and smile from ear to ear and be happy!!

So I have to agree with you Linzi......the house was packed and everyone was having a good time.:D


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And to think with all the hipe coming out of Hollywood that its not worth seeing..the critques all hate it, said it was a bad bad idea to have the Broadway producers be involved...now see this is why when a critque starts to poop poop something I'm the first one in the door, because they are usually wrong.

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I learned a long time ago to not listen to the "critics" what do they know anyway?

I think they just push the movies THEY like, probably paid by the company that made the movie!

It's always better to see it and decide for your own self. I've been looking forward to seeing Mama Mia - so Linzi, thanks for that great review!

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I went with some girlgriends last week. It was the best movie I had seen for ages. I could have sat and watched again. The singing was done with such emotion. Meryl Streep has so much energy. I have put my name down for the DVD but it hasn;'t come to Tasmania yet. Go see it if you get the chance.

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