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Ideas for quilting, please!

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I have to quilt this for my guild, it was designed by my friend, also a guild member and pieced by the members. This will be the first machine quilted raffle quilt, they have always been hand quilted until now. I am more than a bit nervous about being 'out there' for the world to see, plus it needs to look marvelous to sell tickets! :o What do you all think????



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I'm afraid I see lots of SID on this one. Feathers in the triangular log cabim borders

McTavishing in the cream areas around the applique, the central star and possibly in the blue areas. Continuous curves in the squares. SID around the compass and ohio star blocks. How nuch work do you really want to do?

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It's not how much I want to do it's what's needed to make it look it's best, the outer blue half of the log cabins is a bit overpowering and I was thinking feathers there, what to do to bring out the red half has got me stumped. We do want to bring in the applique vine and flowers somewhere. The smaller borders, there are 3 of them are all green and would take a leafy vine. McTavishing in the cream for sure. My friend who is the designer has some definite ideas about how she wants this quilt to look so I need to consider that too. Here's a closer pic-


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First, get out your favorite SID ruler, kiddo. Then CC the checkerboard and star points, feather the rest.

And feather the logs with white or off-white thread to pop the red and tame the blue. The compass

star in the center - no idea.... I can't really make out the center medallion. Maybe rays that end in

a point (vice curl).

I hope you post photos when you are done. And give us some close-ups, huh, Kimmie?;)

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When I first saw it I thought outline then McT the appliqued whitish border, then do in and out spirals in the log cabin blocks. which will also tame down the large patch of light blue.. I'd also McT the white area in the center block.. put long worms in the spurs of the center, is it mariners compas?? maybe I should call it a long skinny strand of sea weed. Sid the star block border on light blue and run a wandering line of fiddlehead ferns along the checker board. The wandering shape like a question mark, or reverse of it, will bring out the circles in the log cabin blocks.. the center and white border's McT will hold their own, with the curves. and the stars should stand out with SID with very little in the background, unless you really load it down with meandering, McT, pebbles, to make them stand out.

Really a pretty quilt.. That's the way Id do it and I know I'm not a terrific quilter.

Good Luck.. you CAN do it.


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I think I would do a lot of SID. I would do the CC's in the checkerboard like Linda suggested. I would do cross hatching behind the applique and SID around all the applique. Of the outside border I would feather the blue and do echo triangles in the dark log cabins, creating a kind of star look to that border. I would add in McT in the blue areas around the stars and probably around the Mariners compass. I would probaby Trapunto the Mariners Compass so it really pops and I would simply SID it so that it speaks for itself. I wouldn't add anything into it unless it needs more quilting. I can't wait to see it quilted! I'm sure you will do a great job.

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I agree feathers that fit in the blue triangles, maybe ferns that fit in the brown. Mimic the same spine you used in the blue triangle.

I'm addicted to feather meandering at the moment. I would feather meander the cream around the applique and make the feathers pop out in good places.

Maybe McTavishing in the powder blue background.

If it's a raffle quilt give them feathers, it sells a lot of tickets.

This is a raffle quilt for Valentine, Nebraska.


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That is my normal avatar. I usually post my photo only when I am going

to a quilt show, so folks will recognize me. It's a great way to meet APQS forum-folk.

My friend, Jody, is a graphics designer and she designed that logo for my business

a couple of years ago. It's a Card Trick block. Linda Card, Card Trick, get it....:D:D:P

Joann, I love that quilt. Love the feathers. It is so puffy-looking. What batting did you use?

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Kimmie, I just can't think of another name for in and out spiral. It is a spiral that circles in then doesn't stop, but curcles back out again. I used it on one of my QoV tops.. well one that I machine quilted, and it has very close to half a log cabin block.. everyone just raved about it.. it really makes a block stick out.


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All great ideas - very pretty quilt too! I look forward to seeing the complete photos....

I was thinking of doing ruler work, triangle-like lines in that outer blue border, just come in then out. Every inch or so... just another thought for you! Good Luck, relax and have fun - you will make it look even MORE awesome!!!

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