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Crosshatch quiilt finished!


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It's finished! I figure about 1000 trips around the machine, but with practice I'm sure I'll think it's well worth it. This was maybe a kit I purchased and pieced several years ago--so a good practice piece for me. I have had two corneal transplants and the first one was accomplished before there were wonderful new procedures. They went back the end of July and did some repair work on the first one to try to rid me of some of the astigmatism so that I wouldn't have to wear a contact and glasses (just glasses). So, I still don't have any correct in my left glasses lens. I will blame all the mistakes on eyesight!!


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Thanks for the nice words! I did use the Hartley fence--and it is easy--it's just a lot of walking--

And the other thing--the spacing turned out just right--I used 1.5" spacing--but it wouldn't always now would it?? Myrna says to mark as you go--which is what I did--but when I got to the last border I did measure ahead to see how close it would be to correct spacing....and it was very close. Is there a way to do this so it always comes out okay??

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Heidi, When Myrna was in Ohio last year, she said she knew someone used the same "name"--hopefully my "FOR" versus your "4" is okay. I can't find anyone else in Ohio, at least, who uses the same thing! I can tell you very honestly--no one from NY has contacted me to quilt for them--and I'm not holding my breath!!

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My business name is registered in NY but there is no national registery that I'm aware of. If you get something to Heidi send it my way and if I get something to Jane I'll send it to you :P:P


Originally posted by jebm

Heidi, When Myrna was in Ohio last year, she said she knew someone used the same "name"--hopefully my "FOR" versus your "4" is okay. I can't find anyone else in Ohio, at least, who uses the same thing! I can tell you very honestly--no one from NY has contacted me to quilt for them--and I'm not holding my breath!!

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