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NQR Pedigree or mix?

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I took my wonderful dog Odie to see Santa yesterday and Santa's helper asked me what breed Odie was and I said a Rotweiller Mix. She replies, mixed with shepard ? I said No, I believe he's mixed with a Lab because his hair lays down so nice . So she comes back with, well. . . then He's a


She just chuckled and I said, why I would never call him that.!!!!!!!!!

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Sounds like she cracks herself up. Probably didn't realize how that one would come out.

Shana I laugh every time I read the German Shedding Dogs.

I have an English Shedder, and Australian Cattle Dodger/shedder. :D:D:D I crack my self up too. No one else though, hmmm. Oh well. :D:D:D:D

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I'm laughing with you, Shana and Tracye! I have shedders, too!

I have a golden shedder and a lab/boxer uber-shedder (worser shedderer)....both from the very bottom of their gene pools......but they are cute and I love 'em a lot. They're totally spoiled and I don't care! :) They make me smile.

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Cocker Spaniels are notorious for being very distructive for the first two years. And very hard to housebreak! I could teach them tricks, then they taught themselves to do the same tricks by the hand signals that I had not realized I was using when I taught them the tricks in the first place. Was having a conversation with a friend who had stopped by one day. She looked over at Winston who was off to one side and asked me what was wrong with the dog. He was laying on the floor on his back with his head pressd over to one side and watching me. I realized I just used the slashing motion that I used when I told him to be a dead dog and he was playing dead! Very smart dogs, easy to train except for the housebreaking! I always call them Kaka spaniels!

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Here's my "baby" Copper - he's half Shih-tzu and half Papillion - the correct term is Papi-tsu, although at first he was a Papa-shi*, 'cause he liked to leave little presents for me everywhere! But, he's over a year old now, loves to 'talk' to me when he wants something, and only sleeps in his kennel at night. Gotta love those 'furry' kids!!


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