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NQR - About husbands' stupid gifts - This is TOOOOOO FUNNY

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lol i uploaded it on dh's computer... although i did set him straight years back --

after three consecutive years of small kitchen appliances

when my family asked him what he wanted for Christmas I told every single one of them some form of small kitchen appliance we didnt already own.. mind you he does the majority of the cooking for the household....

he got a new electric skillet, a blender, a electric griddle, a submersible mixer, a cheap stand mixer, an electric knife, and a electric knife shrpener, a full set of nesting measuring cups, kitchen spatula's and a pair of sweats..

and i have not received a kitchen appliance again....

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My favorite Christmas gift (every year) is a calendar my DH makes on the computer. I email him twelve photos of my favorite customer quilts from this year and he makes a full-size calendar. Also, this is the first year we decided to buy gifts for ourselves and put the other's name on them!!:P I am "getting" him software for his router and he already "bought" me a whole roll of W&W batting (all for me--not for resale!) and some beautiful fabric! What a guy!!

The only year he "stumbled" was the year with no gifts--he wrapped several small gifts and forgot the "big" gift in the garage. I sat surrounded by a book, a new calendar, and a pair or PJs. Later in the day I finally asked about it and Den did the V-8 slap and remembered the new sewing machine and cabinet that was too big to wrap. Lucky for him!!;)

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My ex-husband got me pots and pans....when I left, I packed 'em up and took 'em with me. He called to say he couldn't even cook anything because he didn't have a pot to put it in :) I said, "I tried to tell you not to give me stuff like that for a gift."

Now that I think about it....he gave me a sweater once, size 44!! My mom said, "Wow, he had high hopes!":D:P

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My ex-husband got me pots and pans....when I left, I packed 'em up and took 'em with me. He called to say he couldn't even cook anything because he didn't have a pot to put it in :) I said, "I tried to tell you not to give me stuff like that for a gift."

Now that I think about it....he gave me a sweater once, size 44!! My mom said, "Wow, he had high hopes!":D:P

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The worst Christmas gift I ever received from my husband was a bathroom scale.

However, I think this last week's story tops even that. We are planning to repaint our bathroom; so I was washing the walls and getting it ready to paint. I was using the ladder to get the areas that I couldn't reach and I put the ladder in the bathtub in order to do the walls in that area. (Word of advice: DON'T DO THIS!!) To make a long story short, I reached beyond the balance point of the ladder and fell off, causing the ladder to fall and gouge the plaster in one of the walls, knocking my bucket of water all over creation, and adding a few more bruises to my body which by now was lying in the tub. To his credit, hubby came in, helped me up, and helped clean up the mess. The next day, he came home with a present for me: scaffolding! Can you beat that!


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Our first married Christmas I could tell DH never made it off "Action Alley" in Walmart - that aisle where they have displays of good gift ideas. I got a curling iron - wrong size and he told me so as I was opening it and a big bag of marked down popcorn (yeah, that big bag that they used to mark down before they closed each night, back when they closed each night and cleaned out the corn popper)

The kicker is, we went to exchange the curling iron for the right one the next day, and I put the car into a ditch on its' side. I laugh about it all now, and buy my own gifts ;) This year: a Husqvarna Lily 555 I found on Ebay, I'm a much better shopper for me than he is ROFLMAO!!

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