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Our Trip to California

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We had a wonderful time in California...I was so afraid I would be discovered and then have to tell my kids I wouldn't be able to come back to Kansas City...it almost happened! We were on the Tonight Show...you can watch it if you go to NBC.com :) I havent seen it yet, so maybe I shouldn't be telling you that....but it was January 26th...we are sitting behind the parents of the guest that is on the show :cool:

Anyway, enough of that....I went to a quilt store called Cotton and Chocolate....such nice people. It is a husband and wife team and they even offered to come to my FIL's house next time and pick me up and I could spend the day with them....such a nice shop...full of fabric.

Thank you all for the tips on quilt stores in that area.

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We had such a great time...

The first night were there DH's dad took him to a Clipper's game and surprised him with seats on the floor. The two chairs next to DH were empty, but if the ticket holders had been there - it would have been Billy Crystal and his wife....DH probably would not have been able to watch the game :D When they arrived they had valet parking and then walked down a red carpet, DH kept saying he thought they were in the wrong place. They were in the tunnel the players use and where the locker rooms are located. They sat 2 seats down from the owner of the clippers, and were able to meet him and talk with him a bit....a one in a lifetime experience.

Here is a pictues of DH's experience....him and his dad are the two guys with baseball caps on.....and yes...that is his excited look :P:D


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:P:D A week ago last Sunday we invited the kids over to celebrate my oldest stepson's birthday. I was chopping onions and kind of cut off/sliced the oustide part of my finger off...like half of my finger nail from the quick to the tip. Does that makes since? I have an appointment with the Plastic Surgeon today that I am not looking forward to....the bangages are stuck...makes me want to pass out thinking about it.
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Don't worry. The doctor knows how to take those bandages off so the patient (hopefully) doesn't pass out.............

Did you hear about our Chris (quilting midwife?) She sliced her finger with a rotary cutter!!

You girls and those sharp knives... I'm such a klutz I would probably be next on the list to do this to myself.

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YIKES Mary Beth. Hope your finger get better.

I got sick when I did this with my rotary cutter once. I am great when its someone else but when I looked at the flesh I was so dizzy. I have no feelings in that part of my finger. Bad ugly scar. Needless to say I'm very careful with tools now.

Good luck. Hope it gets better.

Hugs, Grammie Tammie

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Originally posted by Mary Beth

....I'm not good with......ceilings...or...:D:D


You are such a hooooot! :P

I've had a few close calls with a rotary cutter, but never had an "incident" ... yet.... anyway,,,, that said...

Before I make a slice at the cutting table, I always (always, always always) take a deep breath and bow to the Rotary Cutter Gods. before I make a slice on the fabric with a ruler. I have discovered that the Rotary Cutter Gods have big egos and they like to be acknowledged for their power. I respect the Rotary Cutter Gods. They like to be worshipped. I am willing to bow to them respectfully so I can keep my fingers intact. So far the deep breath and bowing routine has worked.

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My problem with the rotary cutter was not cutting, yet, just trying to "open" it. I had one that you pushed in on a little button while sliding it toward the blade....who in the heck came up with that idea...and why did I buy it? :o Because it was my first rotary cutter and I didn't know better. I don't use that one any more. I cut to the bone on the tip of my thumb.

The bad part...I called in sick at work so I could stay home & quilt because I hated that job...any who...they all knew the next day what I had been doing :) I didn't go to the doctor and it bled for about 3 days...ouch!

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

Before I make a slice at the cutting table, I always (always, always always) take a deep breath and bow to the Rotary Cutter Gods. before I make a slice on the fabric with a ruler. I have discovered that the Rotary Cutter Gods have big egos and they like to be acknowledged for their power. I respect the Rotary Cutter Gods. They like to be worshipped. I am willing to bow to them respectfully so I can keep my fingers intact. So far the deep breath and bowing routine has worked.

I wonder if that would work for the Golf Gods?

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Please let us know what happens at the Dr.'s office and please we all have to be carefull because everything happens in 3's. This could be scary!!!:o

ROFLMAO..........Rod sure doesn't look like anything excites him to much except taking pictures of himself.:P:P:P What a hoot!!


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Yikes, MB. I'm so happy that your visit went well.

But the finger. Hello, when you cut the nail bed, it is very bad. Sometimes, it grows in crooked if the doctor's don't slice the rest of the nail bed even with the rotary cut. They did at least stitch it up, didn't they?

I had one of those rotary cutter accidents and just missed the bone on my left forefinger. It was 8:30 at night and I know that is not a good time to show up at ER. I made it stop bleeding by applying pressure, srapped it and went to bed. The doctor was so angry with me the next day. 9 stitches...and because I waited so long, he let the rookie surgeon do the cutting and stitching. Navy hospitals put doctors on rotation so this guy was so not prepared for all that blood from a finger wound. LOL, he looked a little green. :D The first doctor came back in the room and showed the rookie how to use a latex glove to make a tourniquet to cut off the blood. I had been avoiding looking at it until then and when I saw the mess, I almost passed out. Why do fingers bleed so much? Maybe because they are the "end of the line". One of you medical types can explain it.

And while you are at it, explain to our Mary Beth that she needs to be careful. Maybe we need to get you one of those Klutz gloves. My LQS gave me a set. I was so skittish about rotary cutting, still am, I just put those guards on them. I know, what a sissy-girl. :P

Tammie, I don't have the feeling in my finger yet either after 5 years. Mary Beth, you are right handed, aren't you?

Hey, make them give you a pretty pink bandage at the plastic surgeons. And let us know how it goes.

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I didn't cut this finger off with the rotary cutter...I did it with a sharp kitchen knife...just so we are all clear....I was chopping onions.

Okay, the Dr. says it is doing what it is suppose to. Even though the gauze is stuck - like several layers - he says it is suppose to do that. He put a little patch over the wound 2 weeks ago when I was there and it will harden ag should grow as my nail grows.

When I cut it, I was home alone. By the time Rod got home I had decided I didn't need to go to the hospital - it was a Sunday - because they couldn't do anything. I was right. So far, the first Dr. just tried to clean it up a bit and sent me right over to the plastic surgeon who said that it just needs to heal. No stitches...there is nothing to stitch. I cut off half of my nail and the side of my finger....they can't stitch that back on. Iti s just going to take a long time to heal.

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Originally posted by Hollyrw

I wonder if that would work for the Golf Gods?

Nope. Sorry. Apparently the Golf Gods are snobs and could care less about you all on the links. You golfers are put here for their amusement and they are just watching and laughing at you haphazardly whacking that little white ball around! :P

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