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Personal courier service offered to deliver junk sewing machines!

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I am now offering a personal courier service to deliver classic vintage sewing machines to the USA. You pay my ticket and I will bring it to your door. I will only pack the machine, spare knickers and a box of nice tea!:P

A friend and I have recently come across a Singer 401 and an unknown old black Singer in the junk shop. We have no plans for them - we just like rescuing them!!


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What model is the black one? I love, love, love these machines. I watch Craigslist for them and when one comes up I have to fight the feeling to buy it. I have lost the battle a couple of times. Currently I have a 99K, a 185J, my favorite the 201-2 and a 301 on the way (black of course). I use them more then my Janome. I love the perfect stitch these machines make. No zig-zag mechanism to mess them up...just pure straight stitch.

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Here is what else I know...I hate to tell you, because then you all will know everything I do and then I won't look so smart :)

The 99k is a 3/4 size head. Have you noticed it doesn't weigh as much or is a bit smaller then a regular machine head? They are pretty nifty. Mine is in a cabinet, which I am told is in high demand....a 3/4 size cabinet, I mean. My 185J is also 3/4 size and the cabinet had a smell so I set it out in the garage to air out.....DH tossed it in the back of the truck to take to the trash!! He came very close to divorce :D Not really...I am here on this earth to make him miserable...he just heard about it.

My 185J and my 201-2 will sew through everything including leather....so if I ever want a leather quilt I have the machine for it :P

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Here are pics of my machines...

1. 185J...This is a cool machine. I was going to teach my granddaughter to sew and give it to her...but I just can't :)


2. My very favorite...I may try to find one of these for my granddaughter...but she won't be getting this one either :D


3. My 99K - like your machine...


3. This one isn't a Singer...but a Willcox and Gibbs - probably the cutest machine ever....


And please ignor any junk you may see in the background...I need to clean my studio....again ;)

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So I should have put a bid on that lovely White 221k in Colchester Essex, that just went on ebay for 58 GBP.

But maybe your ticket would have been more than Royal Mail.

These machines were not sent to Australia so our only source is Great Britain. I keep looking but.......it is that ocean thing that stops me buying it and also the fw-buyer on ebay that keeps outbidding me!

But I do have a 222k, a Centennial 221k and I do have a white 221k - just the box is not a happy one! I keep telling my husband I need a tan one from the US but he hasn't picked up on that yet.


In Australia

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OH! Linzi I thought you meant these machines are junk... I'm relieved! My Singer is (at least) 50 years old and I still LOVE it! I also have an old treadle that was my grandma Miller's but it's never worked and I've never fixed it... I should though in case of extreme poverty and no electricity!!! Ya never know!

I love the scroll on the side of the black one, I see a quilt pattern surfacing!

This year for the first time ever in my sewing history of 51 years (I'm 62 next week) I am searching for a machine with a good blanket embroidery stitch. Suggestions?

I can't imagine all of you with so many machines! It boggles my mind!

Here's my Singer... I love all the metal parts! This was a wedding present from my first MIL... 45 years ago!


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I just bought a singer 99 3/4 size hand crank. i got it on ebay 91 dollars and 25 for shipping. Don't laugh but I bought it to go camping in my V.W. bus. I thought it would be great to teach my grand daughter to sew. I have grandma's treadle 2 feather weights an old new home, a Janome and a Baby lock and Millie. You never know when you might need a machine Oops I just forgot I bought a Janome Platium for electric traveling. I must confess I spend most of my disposible income on sewing and quilting. Guilty as charged. I also have 3 toy machines. I love old machines too. will post pictures when I get the hand crank.

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Bobbi - I didn't mean actual junk to us - just the non-quilters out there! My Husqvarna does nice blanket stitch btw...

You are right about never knowing when you might need a machine operated by alternative power. If we have an Apocalypse of some sort where there is no more electricity, at least we'll still be able to make quilts!;)

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OMG...Theo, thank you for that GREAT photo...I would be so in love I would never leave. My DH would have to buy the place otherwise I would just camp there and never leave. I have never seen such a collections before. I have a new item to add to my "Bucket List" To see this place in person. Again WOW.....it makes me smile just to see the picture.

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I'm glad you have 17 then I don't feel as bad. Don't you just love them. I can't wait to see the hand crank I just bought. It's so cool you can look up the number and it tells what year it was made and in which factory. My singer 99 was made in Scotland in 1954. It's kind of amazing to think that they were still even making them that late in hand crank.

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