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Another Snow Storm!

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Just when I thought we were getting close to the time when we could put away the shovels another snow storm. Two days ago it was 50 degrees, starting to feel like spring and now we're expecting another 12-15". I was finally seeing my lawn. Barbara in Hawaii, don't you have a room you could spare? Just a few months?


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Hang in there Dianne. Think positive. Think about how BUFF your biceps will be after shoveling all of that white stuff from your driveway! ;):P Then you can tell yourself "Dianne, you are one hot babe! You deserve a vacation in Hawaii for all the #$%# you've shoveled this past winter!" :cool:

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Just checking in, we currently have at least 8" in Fredericksburg, VA and it is still comming down hard - this is the first real snow we've had here this winter for which I am glad (I missed the other "dusting" as I was in FL enjoying the weather there). Looks like a good day to get lots of quilting done! Hopefully my dtr will do most of the shoveling!



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Thursday, Friday and Saturday we had temps in the 70's. Sunday while at church services it started to snow. It kept snowing until after midnight last night. Since it had rained the two days before not all of it stuck, but we have at least 4 inches on the ground this morning!

I live in the Atlanta area...not in the frozen north. We haven't gotten a good snowfall in years, so I really can't complain too much...its just that I thought Spring had sprung!

When we lived in Missouri we had lots of snow almost all winter long...I had a bush in front of my house. In the south we call them yellow bells, everywhere else they call them Forsythia. In all the years we lived there, I NEVER saw it bloom without snow on it. We planted one at my house here last year. I saw the blooms on it for the first time as we were leaving for church yesterday morning...yup knew we were in trouble then!

Everybody keep warm!


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I'm with Joanne, YIPPEE!!!! Hubby is leaving town today and that means I would have to do my MIL's driveway. That would be interesting since my lung is still not 100%. It would be a spoonful at a time. I'm limited to lifting 5 lbs...do you know how hard that is? Dianne if you could get here I'd tell you to come for a visit. I think Bonnie will get more than Joanne and I will!

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Originally posted by hmerrill

.......Hubby is leaving town today and that means I would have to do my MIL's driveway. That would be interesting since my lung is still not 100%. It would be a spoonful at a time. I'm limited to lifting 5 lbs...do you know how hard that is?

I think that is when you call your dearest brother to do all the shoveling...

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It's been quite the thing to see the news stories about the snow you are getting in places that normally don't see snow. I just think that the kids must think it's fantastic! I imagine though that some of these cities must not have much in the way of snow removal for the roads?

I can't imagine not experiencing snow, but maybe that's the same as me never seeing a palm tree before except for on tv :D

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Ok, we can see Leah's little feet, so I'm not really sure that counts as a snow fall. (just kidding). But honestly when I went out earlier today to shovel I had to lean against the door to push it open because the snow was higher than the door opening. I got one bicep "buffed", now just aching. If I kept at it I'd probably end up with a DD on one side with only a C on the other. I don't think it did anything for my butt. Sure I'll be one hot babe. Watch out summer beach... here I come. Me and my lopsided you know whats and an aching lower back.

Heidi, last I checked the weather station on tv another band of snow was heading up from Maryland. Looked to be over N.Y and MA.


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We ended up with 3 - 4 inches in Clifton Park. My MIL said she only got maybe 2" so she said she didn't need me to come up. I got out the snowblower here because there was enough that I didn't want to try to shovel. I love my snowblower. Hubby bought the biggest one he could find with heated handles and it has all the the bells and whistles and it can blow! Self-propelled so you just basically walk behind it. It was super windy though and the light snow kept blowing back at me...that was not fun and hubby's timing to go on a trip stinks!

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I NEVER thought I would say YEAH its windy...it blew ALL the snow out of our huge long driveway and I don't need to get the blower out...I don't have have heated handles (that would have been nice) but it does walk up and down the hill pretty much by itself.... we only got about 2-3 here...but ALL the school south of Albany were closed so I had a kid home all day. Ask if I got anything done? Not much....

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The only good thing about walking the snowblower is I got a little excercise! I didn't get up and go to the gym this morning. I slept horrible last night and was just too tired! Why didn't the wind blow all the snow off my driveway! I was a good neighbor and blew out my neighbors driveway too. He is a state trooper and on duty tonight. They have 2 wee ones so its hard for her to get out. It wasn't like it was a whole lot of extra work. Their driveway isn't as long as mine. I was afraid I'd run out of gas though so I didn't do their sidewalk! I'm sure they won't complain. He'll have a stroke if he finds out I did the driveway and not hubby. He always does ours when hubby is not home. It is great to have good neighbors!

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That is so...and is what I miss most living on my hill.

I don't know my neighbors....and the nearest one I call Mr. Grump...he normally waves with only one finger....I DON'T EVEN KNOW THIS man, and that was how he waved the very first day we unloaded our truck. Nice.

Come to find out they aren't nice people AT ALL...his wife had a hit and run with a small boy right in front of my property, and left him to die....and then hid the car so no one could find it. When they did after several years had the body damage fixed the repair person remembered the troopers hit list and it fit this car so he called it in. Way before my time so I don't know if or what her punishment was...

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Sylvia, Send me your address, I'll send it to you.

Heidi, What kind on snowblower do you have? Heated handles sound wonderful. How easy is it to start up? My snow removing equipment consists of 4 shovels and three grumbling teenagers. By the time we finished shoveling this morning I thought my fingers were going to fall off from cold and that I'd never be able to straighten out my back. Still feel it in my shoulder.

I always made fun of the snow birds that head south for the winter. Now I'm starting to dream about it.


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Well the deal was when we moved up here the first thing we would get is a good snowblower. All I can tell you right now is it is orange :P:P:P! I can't remember the maker and it is too dark to go out to the shed. I know I about had a cow when hubby bought it but we've had it for 6 years now and it is worth every penny! I hate to shovel and my back just can't take it anymore and my teenagers are all grown up! It was freezing out there tonight!

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The southerners down under would love some of that white stuff, because they don't seem to get enough of the wet type!!

Remember that the fires have now been raging for weeks, this is the scenario face by Victorians today:

Victorian Premier John Brumby says today's fire threat should not be underestimated despite forecast top temperatures in the fire zones being revised down to about 26 degrees Celsius.

"We are going to see fire danger ratings across the state a little bit lower than we thought last night, but they are still up to 150," he said.

"And remember this is a rating that goes from zero to 100, and probably in the last five years in Victoria we've only had three days where they've been above 100."

High wind speeds and a west to south-westerly change, expected to hit south-west Victoria about midday, remain the big threat to firefighters.

Winds have been gusting up to 124 kilometres per hour in some mountain areas and a total fire ban remains in place across the state.

................Just enjoy the fluffy white stuff and enjoy the opportunity of having to do some serious quilting/piecing because you cannot go outside!;)


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