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PJ, I am sending prayers and all good thoughts your way...

Here's a thought... I don't know what the job market is in your area. Is is a possibility that you could find a place for you to rent at a much lower rate and then lease out your house at enough to cover the mortgage and upkeep? Just thinking of ways to keep you solvent.

Luv ya girl!


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patty Jo I know that you know that our Father has the perfect plan for the sale of your home. I will keep you in prayer and I am all up for having a Moxie packing party. I will take time off work. You are such a woman of courage, like a warrior princess.

Nancy Jo, sweet sister, where will you be living if your Idaho house sells? You are also in my thoughts and prayers. I know you have also walked the path of sorrow and grief but I can tell you are starting to see the sun shinning on your road again.

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Does it help to know that I'm selling my house and am in the packing process, too? Twenty years at the farm, kids are grown and husband's job has him living at the lake most of the week. My job is closer to the farm, so I'm quilting evenings and working full time days at my day job and packing up twenty years of stuff so we can be in one house and one location and also, definitely to save money. Heating two houses this winter has been draining on the budget! Anyway, hang in there and know that I'm thinking of you, too!

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I love the idea of us getting together and packing. It was so mu.=ch fun when my cousin came and helped me pack.

I am a pack rat, so she would say "Brenda....really....your keeping this?" She was the best thing that happened to me, during that move. I wish she would come back help me move out on to the lawn and then back into the house.

Boy would I get rid of stuff. You sure do accumulate when you don't have to pack it up to move! We've been here 10 years and I can't imagine packing by myself.

I would really appreciate the abiltiy to "pass it forward to you".

Love you and praying for you.


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Well, would you look at all these Moxie people who want to help me. You are all TOO MUCH. I would love to take you up on your offer. I don't know when that may be, but if you all really mean it, you bet - we could have us a packin' party. I will keep you all posted on when the house sells. And then get ready to Party Hardy at the Packin Party!! As I said, you are all too much - it is overwhelming to me how much you all just jump in when you see where you could help. THANK YOU............OK, where is the tissues?

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What fun it will be to settle into a clean new place - a place to make new memories. Everything will be fine as it is in God's hands and His plans are perfect. Don't have time for cookies; don't have a bread machine? Take a couple Tbs of Vanilla and put them on a pan in the oven on low. They will THINK you are baking. Good luck, girl!

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