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having so much fun!

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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to say a big thanks to APQS for everything they done to help with my table problem. I have been catching up on all my customer quilts plus just having a blast learning to use rulers! (took about five tries before I figured it out ) OMG I am hooked, So much fun. IF, and that is a big word in my case I ever learn to post the pics I will post them. I have been looking at all the beautiful quilts all of you have posted and I wish I could figure it out. My DIL said she will try to help me the next time they come down. I absolutly LOVE love love Did I say I love my machine. I am so glad I hung in there, through all the trials...best decision I ever made. Anyone looking to buy a APQS, all I can say is GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!! hope to have more time to get on the forum now that i am almost caught up.

Miss jacque

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Miss Jacque

You can post pics yourself with no problem. Just take a digital picture from your computer and open up the paint program that comes with every windows computer. Don't know about Apple computer if that is what you have. anyway once you open the picture in paint ( you can find Paint in programs under accessories usually) go to the Image tab at the top of the menu and under Image tab you will find Attributes. that will tell you the size of your picture. It usually is about 1200 x 1400 or something close to that. you want it to be only about 500 x 700. so you go back under the same image tab and click stretch and skew option. there you will see stretch and horizontal and vertical box with 100% in each. change that 100 to 50% in each and then go back and look at the attributes again and see if your picture is closer to the size you need it to be. if it is save the file with a new name in it's new size. Remember where you saved it so you can find it when you want to post it to the forum.

See simple now got to the bottom of the post or start a new one (don't use quick reply) you will see at the bottom of the reply a browse box. click that and it will let you find the file you save. once it is there you just post your messag and voila yo have a picture. If by chance it doesnt work you may have to go back and make it a little smaller. I don't have any problem with file that are about 700 x 500 or a little larger.

give it a try and let me know if it works for you. Jeanne

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She had the two piece foldable Lenni table instead of the one piece and she never could get it leveled correctly. There was apparently something warped or whatever that it just did not want to cooperate for her so she had it replaced with the one piece table and now all is well.

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Thanks for the info on posting pics, soon as I get these next two quilts done i will give it a try. OH YEAH life is grand when you are one with the machine.... I just can't express how much I am lovin this. Machine glides just like butter on a warm slice of fresh backed bread....Darn now I am hungry..... this forum is just about a awesome as my mable......;)

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