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NQR - It's official...I've lost it!!

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Mary Beth, my husband has been complaining for along time that the toilet tissue is getting narrower - yep, it really is! This man lives, eats and breathes hunting and fishing, you'd think he could find something better to do here in beautiful suburban Protem on the Lake, than measure toilet tissue! :P:P:P

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I bought some vitamins the other day with labeling stating there was 60% more. Opened the bottle and there was enough cotton to make a quilt and still the bottle was less than half full. What was 60% more? The size of the bottle? The cotton? I don't think I got more vitamins.

AND has anyone looked at the size of the paper roll in your TP lately? Charmin is making the cardboard roll larger so they can give you less TP. I wasn't until my husban pointed this out that I saw what was happening. I had been blaming my grandkids for going throught the stuff so fast. Was my face red!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Remember when a can of tuna made two sandwiches?

Or a can of soup contained two servings?

Or a carton of ice cream weighed something? Non-premium ice cream has so much air whipped into it, it weighs very little. Ice cream is measured by volume, not weight--so if you dish out a bowl and let it melt--nothing left but a pitiful puddle in the bottom.

Hey, somebody has to do the "ice cream experiments" to protect the rest of mankind!!:P:P:P

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You go girl! I'm proud of you MB!

I was buying a few grocery (yeah, that's one grocery - all anyone can afford) and pissed off that the 4 for a $1 mac & cheese is now $.79 ea! and Milk is $3+/gal, and so forth.... I get up to the register and a very young manager was disciplining the teenage cashier - RIGHT THERE WHILE SHE TRIED TO WORK! I let him finish and then I said very pointedly to him - "Sir, the next time you have to discipline one of your employees, you need to wait until their break, or before or after work. This is unexceptable - and upsetting her while she is trying to do her job." I smiled at the girl and thanked her for helping me and left.

I know I felt better!

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I don't know about the width of toilet paper, but when Margie started buying the kind that you can read a newspaper through I put my foot down!

I did figure out something the other day though. I always blow my nose with toilet paper instead of the Puffs tissues Margie always has on the counter because I thought it had to be cheaper, and my nose (unlike other parts of my anatomy) is tough enough to withstand some pretty harsh treatment.

Out of curiosity I measured the square inches of a Puff tissue, compared it to an equal amount of Charmin Ultra - my preferred brand - and found that the Charmin is actually MORE expensive per inch than the Puffs! Who'd'a thunk it??

And yes Carmen, men can be interested in hunting and fishing and still need some exercise for the brain.

Now about this funny farm... Can you imagine a funnier farm than with all of us there just being ourselves? I think we might sell tickets and make more money than Yakov Smirnov down in Branson!

And Kristina, I think I can live on homemade bread... Especially when you make cinnamon rolls once in a while!


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MrMargie, I'm with you, I love cinnamon rolls...especially with orange icing on top!!

Bobbi...I wish milk was only $3+ per gallon. Try $4+ per gallon...with 7 kids...and a husband that loves milk as much as the kids. I go through roughly 6-7 gallons a week. Hmm? Maybe I ought to invest in a cow? But then I would have to feed it. I will stick to buying my milk.

Oh, I forgot...toilet paper. Don't even get me started how much of that we go through!

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I've never done anything "gracefully" in my life. I'm going kicking and screaming the whole way. Count me in when it's been decided where the funny farm will be. I'm thinking the state of Pennsylvania might house all of us aaaaaaaaaand our stashes. And we'd be close enough to the Amish communities to be able to add to it........

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Cheryl, I can almost smell the bread clear over here in MO. Oh, maybe that's Margie's dough rising. She's making Stromboli for lunch and it HAS to have homemade crust!

When my dad was little, the only bread they had on the farm was homemade and it was a super special treat when Grandma would buy a loaf of white bread at the store. To this day, he prefers sliced, white bread in a plastic bag to my mom's homemade rolls and bread.

The Great Depression turned out some weird idiosyncrasies...


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Originally posted by lym95

Out of curiosity I measured the square inches of a Puff tissue, compared it to an equal amount of Charmin Ultra - my preferred brand - and found that the Charmin is actually MORE expensive per inch than the Puffs! Who'd'a thunk it??


Is it just me...or does Mr. Margie have too much time on his hands :D:P;)

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Now come on MB, Carmen's DH is measuring TP too...

My next experiment is to use a micrometer to compare the THICKNESS of different brands of TP. When I publish my findings, I think I'll officially be qualified to be the resident scientist at our funny farm.


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I'm ready to join you all at the funny farm too. I have noticed items getting smaller while the price is going up for some time now. It is especially notable in my favorite Cadbury Dairy Milk bar. Now cheating me out of chocolate is fighting words. That funny farm better have a lot of chocolate on hand in addition to the space needed when we bring our beloved LAs.


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Originally posted by lym95

.....Out of curiosity I measured the square inches of a Puff tissue, compared it to an equal amount of Charmin Ultra - my preferred brand - and found that the Charmin is actually MORE expensive per inch than the Puffs! Who'd'a thunk it??


Originally posted by lym95

My next experiment is to use a micrometer to compare the THICKNESS of different brands of TP. When I publish my findings, I think I'll officially be qualified to be the resident scientist at our funny farm. mm

Very interesting!! And so this is what our math teachers do for fun at home when they're not at school??? :D

Brad, you should put this on a math test or make a math lab experiment on toilet paper. You'd have the kids ROTF and they'd never look at TP the same ever again!

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I wish I had a video of her doing a dance down those steps when she looked down and found a tiny, little spider....she looked like she was at a hoe down...I didn't know Miss Linda could kick so high :P:D:P When I think about it, I just laugh out loud...I try to think of it when I'm alone, otherwise...it's off to the funny farm for me...and DH is not getting rid of me that easily...I'm here for one thing...and that is to drive him crazy too :P:D:D

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I think a boat will get us to Gillighan's Island better than a bus (unless the bus floats:P:P)

Mr Marge...what a fancy lunch. At my house it is what ever one can find in the frig and everyone is on there own:D I think you have a gem of a wife!

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