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Yesterday's Snow

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Just wanted to share this picture. I thought it was cool.

Attempted to go somewhere on Easter even though the Snow was falling.

It's already nearly melted away but what a MOMENT while it lasted. lol This is about half way down my driveway. It was so beautiful.


Hugs Grammie


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Gosh, and to think I was outside clearing some grass out of the flower beds, which are growing beautifully. Some of the flowers are getting ready to bloom, the dogwoods are blooming and the trees are leafing out! I think it was around 60 and it was sunny.:P

Very pretty picture!

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It was cold and windy here yesterday. The poor kids doing their Easter egg hunts had their winter coats on. But this week it may get up to around 60 degrees. That is great since I will be at the MQX this week and it will be nice. Which makes walking to the restaurants a pleasant time.


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