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I'm here to just on the "other side" popped in with my morning coffee to see what the rest of you have been doing.

You just need to remember that we don't all have our lunchtimes at the same time.

Must get back to my Christmas in July project that is on my machine, then I have a few baby quilts to make. Think I will try different techniques that I might use in later class projects.


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Mary Beth,

I had a doctors appointment at 3:30 so I was crazy busy at work trying to get things done before I left. Didn't get it all done but I don't think that will ever happen anyway!!!! I had to go to the doctor about my foot and he wasn't happy with me. He had told me to take it easy and I really did but obviously not enough. He had given me an anti-inflamatory and I took them when my foot bothered me but he said that wasn't the point. I had told him I was a horrible pill taker! Anway he said, "well fine you are getting a shot!" Fixed me didn't he. Got a cordizone shot in my foot but it wasn't so bad. Right now it is numb and he said that would last for 8 hours or so. He had told me to not workout as much and I listened some...only 3 times a week instead of 5! He didn't like that either. I'm trying so hard to loose weight and if I don't work out it won't come off! He then told me no heals for the wedding! Yeah right! I told him as much as I hate heals there is no way I'm not wearing them for a few hours. He said fine then you're not working out until the wedding! As much as I love not having to work out it doesn't make me happy. I can do weight training though so that is what I'll do. I'm sure I sneak a little cardio in! Shhhh don't tell! He threatened to put me in a full cast to slow me down! LOL that is what it would take. I just don't sit idle well at all but I'm trying to behave!

Shana feel better soon!!!!

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I've just been lurking, haven't got much to say.

I know this is a Longarm group but I'm so excited that I just finished a quilt that I've been hand quilting on and off for 14 years.

Sorry, I just had to share! I'll post pics on my blog in a few days if anyone is interested in looking.

All you guys have fun at MQS for me....I really, really wanted to go. As the Cubs always say "Next Year" ( I hope)

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Heidi, I just read your post about your foot and exercising and losing weight and and wearing pumps and gosh, I just got all confused! :P

So long story short, you can do cardio without impact to feet. It's called a stationary bike. Or swimming. Or elypitical machine.

What I mean to say is: Listen to your doctor. :)

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Mary Beth: I lurk some, post a little, but realize I 'm so new to LAing I can't offer much most of the time. I like seeing the quilts and reading everyone's ideas. I'm still in the "making stupid mistakes" stage and "PPPing" I started quilting in 1969 by buying a kit, tree of life, applique, and teaching myself. I now do a lot of both piecework and applique, still have that tree of life kit as a UFO,( that's right it's been moved across the country almost 20 times without being ditched!!!) Have signed up at the guild challenge to finish it by Nov. (??) I really enjoy hand quilting, but it's slow, and not as good for items to be used a lot. I tried machine work on DSM, but I'm not the wrestler my son is...Hence to the Milli. I do alterations, home dec, and occasional custom quilting to try to offset my hobby, I'm way behind now...

I live north of Atlanta, we've got blooming lilacs, azaleas, the last of the big pink tulips, dogwoods, and new roses and clematis. I planted crape myrtles, hollies, and new azaleas, (8) today and laid down 2 trailers of landscape bark. Talk about sore back, arms, and knees. I'm glad I can work outside and enjoy while I can. Spring here is really beautiful, and so short. I'll quilt when it rains...

I enjoy reading the chats, you are all so caring and friendly. I'm a very poor computer operator, thank God I was a good typist before all this came about. I don't check the computer every day, my friends despair at sending email...I will try to get on the site more often, you all have really good ideas, many times, someone answers a question just as it comes up for me!!


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Hi everyone

I have been lurking for some time, haven't had much to say except thank yous for my 1930's blocks.

But I have just spent the last two days searching for a particular fabric to finish a quilt top, just have to put the final borders on and I have missing in action fabric. :( I have emptied every cupboard that has been known to hide fabric, every plastic container has been searched even though they are colour coded, so today I gave up and rang my online shop and yes she still has it even though I purchased the original 7 metres over 12 months ago and have only used 3. ( How does 4 metres of fabric go missing):o Good news is I will have it by next Tuesday and will be able to finish piecing this quilt top.

Then today a friend phoned me and asked if she could borrow my dehydrator, opened the cupboard where it has always been and its not there. I am sure there are gremlins in this house just playing with me.

So I will phone my daughter and see if she has my stuff and if not will just go and buy a block of chocolate at least that won't go missing on me.:D:D:D:D

Hope everyone is well


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Karen in Austrailia: You are so fun. Thanks for the giggles. I am sick with sore throat and flu but this chat cheers me up. Thanks for the cheer.

I know you will find your dehydrator and I have a hunch those missing 4 metres of fabric will eventually show up, too.

Happy quilting.

Shana (spring is springing!)

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Hi all!

I am busy packing and moving to the lake after 20 years on the farm. Also, am quilting up a storm. I just finished 3 customer quilts and have 6 more waiting for me. Also, need to paint my quilt studio (basement) at the lake before my machine will go in. And my ex-boss called and wanted to know if I could train in the new girl who starts May 15. I am overwhelmed, but have been lurking just not posting.

Used King Tut on my latest quilt (all batiks) and was a little nervous as had heard it could be difficult. I started with a new needle and didn't adjust my tension at all and it quilted like a dream. No breaking threads. I like King Tut.

Tomorrow I am helping at our guild's quilt show with registering quilts so that will be fun. Take care guys and Shana, I hope you get better soon!

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I worked part-time today for the Dr. came home early and am trying to finish my quilt for MQS. Hope I can get it done to be in the mail monday, if not, will have to overnite it on Tuesday to make sure she gets it on Wed. I want it there a day earlier if possible, so I know it's there.

Shana, hope your doing better tomorrow. If not, i'm off from work tomorrow, to work on my quilt. Give me a call if your home and want to talk.

Karen Bennett, glad to see your posting! Keep it up! LOL! The more, the merrier! Especially here on this chat!

Have a great evening all. Talk at ya tomorrow!

Quilted Hugs to all,

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Bonnie you are such a special person, brought back memories of my childhood when my two older brothers and I went to live with our grandparents. We were 8, 10 and 12 and my grandmother was 68 and grandfather was 58 (yes she was a cradle snatcher and it was quite scandalous when they married in 1926 she was 31 and he was only 21)

We all stayed at home until we married, kept them both young and in their later life we would always talk about the "things" us kids got up to and we thought they never knew. When I married I didn't more very far as they gave me an acre of land right next door to them for a wedding present so we built our first home beside them so we could be close to them.

Even though they are no longer on this earth my grandparents are still a huge part of my life

I am sure you and Siana will always share a special bond

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Sandra - we have a pool on campus but the hours are odd and it just doesn't work in my schedule. We will have our pool opened a week after we get back from the wedding so that will help.

Shana - well I'm really trying to listen but it is so hard! I think when somebody tells me "I can't" that little kid comes out of me and says "Yes I can!" I am banned from the elliptical too! I tried that one and he said no! My foot was feeling so much better and I was going to cancel the appointment but then I did the gazelle on Wed. am and had to get off after 20 minutes. Your foot does not move at all but it must just be too much pressure on the ball of my foot. I absolutely love the treadmill but I can't do that either. You guys have to know how much I HATE to workout!!!!! The problem is I will find any excuse not to and this is not what I need to be told! LOL then I start to gain again and feel less healthy and I'm back at square one. This time when my lung collapsed I did not stop working out, although I did slow way down! I'm really hoping it will just resolve itself and I'll be able to continue with my excercise routine! Oh and the bike the way the pedals are you push with the ball of your foot so that doesn't work either! I'll find something I can do. At least I can still do the weight training.

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I am here at work after a 6 am meeting just taking a couple of minutes to relax before the next meeting. This week has been very busy. We (DH and I) just returned from a 4 day weekend visiting the step daughter and grandson. Vincent (Grandson age 4) and DH had a blast. I am not sure which one was the 4 year old. :P:P:P Especially between the fishing trips and ice cream store visits.

Then we picked up our new "Golden" Dylan. He is 2 years old and is a rescue dog. High energy and puppy. I have him now as my exercise coach. Loves to walk. Especially at 4 am in the morning... I will never be late for work with this coach. My DH justs rolls over when Dylan wakes me up. Just think early morning exercise with evening playtime. He is still not sure about coming into the quilt room. I am will be working with him. The Diva cat has already showed him who is the Queen of the house. She is declawed but Dylan respects her alot. He is a quilt lover. I was laying out a quilt to measure for binding and before I knew it he was under it in the middle. :D:D:P:P:D:D

More later, the next meeting calls.

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I am here too on and off, after the fun and busy-ness of my DS's wedding I had a few quilts to finish before I shipped Miss Mille back to Iowa for a check up. On the way to UPS I got crashed into by a girl coming out of a parking lot. Airbags, smashed car, aching body, asthma attack, ER and insurance co. I am not having any fun right now, thankfully she didn't hurt anyone too terribly! My car however, only 14mos. old and 11,000 miles on it looks terrible. She hit the passenger side at the headlights and then did a 180' and hit my rear side panel and fender on the same side.

The ambulance wanted to take me into the ER but I couldn't leave Miss Millie out there alone, so when my other 2 sons and DH arrived I went in the police car with my youngest, he is a cop...

So far her insurance is taking care of it all, I got a rental car yesterday. My hands, near my thumbs hurt so bad I couldn't quilt if I had to. :(

Shana I hope you feel better soon!

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Joleene: You are a woman after my own heart. I sold my Harley a few years back when things changed in life. I so loved to ride and miss it a lot. On my someday list.

Shana: Please be sure it's not Swine Flu

Kim, what a nightmare! Glad you are ok. What a wonderful mother you are to worry about Miss Millie being left alone before your own injuries. Now I'm thinking that if that was me in that accident, I would have thrown my Millie on the ground and went for a new one. I didn't say that, did I?

Oh, and yes I am at worked just designing in my head for the quilt on my frame. Never stops.

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This is the first time I have read about your foot. Almost sounds like what I went/still am going through. I did have surgery a year ago and it's still not better.

You know, you can burn just as many calories having sex as you can at the gym! So there's your answer and your hubby will appreciate it as well.

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Originally posted by Jhend

You know, you can burn just as many calories having sex as you can at the gym! So there's your answer and your hubby will appreciate it as well.

I think I need to stop right here and start from the top...because I missed something!!

An my Dh spends 2 hours at the gym.....enough said!!;)

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