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Bragging on my kids.

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Then my daughter Megan received the highest honor of the night, the Director's Award. She has been in choir for 2 years and participates in everything that she can with singing. She would beg her teacher to give her songs in other languages to challenge her and she is continuing her music education this fall. Here is Megan with her music teacher Ms. Culp and her award.


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Congrats to your children! Music programs are the BEST. My youngest son plays french horn and will be going to governors school this summer. He plays mellophone in the marching band and we're waiting to hear if he made the Army All-American Marching Band. Encourage your kids to keep up with the music!! It sounds like your daughter Megan is very self motivated. You go girl!!!

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Thank you all. Megan is planning on continuing her music and art career by going to Seina Heights University this fall studying Music and Art Therapy. She wants to specialize in Alzheimer and Stroke patients. She will be graduating with the most fine art credits any student has ever graduated with from Will Carleton Academy.

Ok I admit I am proud as punch of my daughter.

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