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Mary Beth! You are too funny. That thought never crossed my mind but I did tell myself these guys are in their 50's/60's and still rockin and look pretty good! They probably have had much more done than color their chest hairs..:P OMG! Watching that show brought back some memories from high school days... Queen, Kiss, Rod Stewart. I was sure Adam was gonna win it. But either way, everyone won IMHO. This show has really made some huge changes since its early days.

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I did not watch the final show cuz I lost interest when Danny was cut and figured Adam was a shoo in. I was on the phone when they announced Kris won. I about dropped my phone! Renewed my faith in the American public. Kris is talented, as are all of those that made it into the top 10. Alison rocked for a 16 year old and Danny has a heart of gold that came out in his music. All of them will go places. We haven't heard the last of this very very talented group of young people. IMO (not claiming humble tonight):P:P:P:P

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I was also surprised that Adam didn't win. I really think he deserved to win it but it might work out better for him that he didn't. He may be able to go on to what he wants to do if he isn't under the obligation of American Idol. The way he had total control of his voice was-IMHO-inspiring. I think the end result should have been 1. Adam 2. Danny 3. Kris. Just an opinion.

The show did bring back high school memories, especially when Rod Stuart sang Maggie. Great show and some really talented singers.

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I also quit watching the show after Danny was cut. I was shocked to hear Adam didn't win, but in the long run I'm sure he had a contract waiting off stage to be signed. Chris is good but it will be interesting to see if he makes it after IDOL. I have the show on my DVR and plan on watching it this weekend especially after hearing who was on the show. I think it was great promotion to have the artists who helped over the last few weeks actually sing with the competitors.

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Of course I missed Danny being cut because I was at MQS. I was stunned when I heard the news, almost couldn't go on :) but, when you think Jennifer Hudson was 7th or something like that....he could still do great things!!

Poor Rod Stewart...was he tipsy, high, or just old when he stumbled at the bottom of the stairs, then tripped later, I'm guessing tipsy :) He was just on the show last year or so and was fine...you don't age that fast in one year.

It was kind of fun seeing the old guys...Queen...They always seemed to get a bad rap from my friends when we were in school...but they had some great songs.

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I also was shocked that Adam didn't win! Kris looked shocked, too! He's good - but during the side-by-side "We are the Champions" thing with Queen, there was no question that Adam's voice was stonger and more dynamic. He's a rocker......Kris is more like a pop star. And I bet they both end up doing really well.

And Rod Stewart...? I have been a huge fan for a really, really long time.....loved his live shows, been to 4 concerts (one with front row seats!) but his performance on Idol made me a little sad. He was either having a bad night, or it's time to quit.


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I wasn't shocked Adam did not win. The american idol voting pool is not ready to vote in a male that wears eye liner and finger nail polish. When I learned there was only 1 million differenece in votes between first and second when Danny was knocked off I figured Chris would pick up Dannys votes and win.

I am suprised no one has commented about the red dress that Chris's mom was wearing :(

It is so much fun to watch these kids develop through this program.


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Originally posted by clovismom

I am suprised no one has commented about the red dress that Chris's mom was wearing :(


My DH did :) He thought it was very unflattering...I agreed...but ya know...I went wedding dress shopping with my daughter about 3 years ago. She put a stapless dress on that looked absolutely terrible and some lady that worked there went on and on about that being "the dress". We asked for some "me" time and the clerk left and Jen asked what I thought. I told her...she agreed and we ran from that shop. They just want to sell dresses. That must be what happened to Kris' mom ;)

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Oh yes, that red dress was definiltely not designed for the very very voluptuous! But I am sure that next time Kris's mom is in the public, she will already have someone who helps her to pick the right outfit for her body type. Bless her heart, though. :) Proud mom. I am happy for her.

Re: Adam and his black eye liner and nail polish. That's what the show biz people refer to as "schtick" that is all showbiz. The KISS band-- those costumes and elevated shoes are their schtick. I'm sure KISS and Adam don't run around all the time dressed like this. It's all about showbiz, show, image, entertainment. Adam has been in the business (theater arts)since he was a small child. He's just playing the showbiz game. Behind all the "schtick" I'd venture to bet he's a regular average american guy; and he's probably a lot like the sweet boy next door in many ways when he's not in costume entertaining us. :P

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I personally hope that Adam becomes the new front man for Queen. Selfish I know, I love Queen. I thought it was a great show and also brought back many memories. I actually dressed as Gene Simmons in KISS for halloween one year. The shoes were great! ha ha ..

I was stunned when Adam didn't win, but agree it is probably for the best because now he can do his own music which I can't wait to hear. I liked Kris, he grew on me the last few weeks, but I thought Danny was still better. When he did his duo with Lionel (sp??) Ritchie his talen really showed. This season really had some great talent.

I think American Idol will be better served with Kris as the winner. I loved his duo with Keith Urban too. The whole show was just great.

And, I am really sorry I didn't save my recording because I missed the red dress. Now my curiousity is way up.

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