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Attention Dory and Bekah!!

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When were you planning to announce your new endeavors?:cool:

I notice Dory has added "APQS Representative" to her signature (yay!!!) so I went to the dealer page to check out California and see her name.

There on the Oregon list was Bekah!! Yay again!!

Congratulations to both of you and good luck with this addition to your businesses!

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Thanks everyone. Like Dory Iwasn't going to do an announcement. But boy is this exciting. I feel so blessed to be part of this family.

Congratulations Dory. and with a new studio to hold your classes in. WOW that is just too awesome.

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Thanks, Bekah. The new studio is coming along...in fact, we're picking it up in Oregon in a couple of weeks. Best part...its now going to have radiant heat from the floor since our building codes won't let us put in a monitor heater. It has to be a renewable resource, so we'll do solar radiant and augment with a small wood-burning stove.

It feels like an adventure...we'll have so much fun! Can't wait to meet you!

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AND since we are welcoming Dory and Bekah to the high honor of APQS dealers....let's add Janna Clark to that list as well. Janna is the only living in Montana dealer to date, but I have already told her that when I move home she needs to move over....;):P

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Bonnie, you can't congratulate someone and then threaten her in the same sentence!:P

Bekah, the yurt is in Cottage Grove. We are making one trip for three purposes: 1) dropping off the Ride & Tie Trailer near Arcata on the 4th, picking up a 20' yurt in Cottage grove before 5 on the 5th, and then heading up to our property in WA. We won't be putting that one in yet, just leaving it there for another time. Then back home on the 8th and picking up our studio yurt in Cottage Grove and back home on the 9th.

We got lucky and a really nice young woman and her mom will be watching out for my MIL while we're gone. Both ladies work at the convalescent home, so Donna knows them, and they're both quilters! Plus the two ladies that come when Donna pushes her "help" button wanted to know when we'd be gone so they could be sure to have their cell phones on all the time.

If this works out well, then we'll be able to plan some other trips...I'm alreading scheming for an endurance ride the end of June;)

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congratulations Janna. You sound so sweet when we are all on the phone together. Hope to meet you sometime.

Dory hope you have a safe trip. two Yurts WOW that is just way too cool.

Bonnie we would love to have you out west. I would come and play in your studio, you are one of my quilting heros. Your BFSSSM saved my bacon again today.

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You guys are all too kind...well, except for that Bonnie-girl, of course:P:P

Nope, Kristina, the ride isn't in Shellbourne. That one is 50 miles a day for five days and I'm not sure I should jump right in with that one first. This one is in Hat Creek, much closer to home and I'm only doing two 35-mile days....much easier for a start.

But, we will meet...we have to!!

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Originally posted by Bonnie

Originally posted by DoryJM

You guys are all too kind...well, except for that Bonnie-girl, of course:P:P

Love you to Dory...:cool:

You are just way too much fun to tease!!:P

I got your disk just the other day; no time to watch it yet, but I know it will save my bacon again..and again....and again....

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