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machine repacked

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Heidi, and Boni. Of course we can do it. I use to take care of the car, change the oil and filter, keep tires and battery properly full, refill the freon in the ac to keep it going, and even had a "gentleman" cuss me out for doing a mans job, but couldn't be of help when I asked him if he would do it or help me. LOL, what a farce.. he probably took his in to have his window washer tank filled. ROF...Yup. LMHO, too.

Boni I also love to mess with messy things.. haven't been able to lately, but sure am going to be trying more.

Hugs, Letter on the way..


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Originally posted by hmerrill

Rita girlfriend I have no desire to work on the car! LOL I don't like the grease under my fingernails either but I can do anything to my machine! I love to hear it purr!

You're car would purr to you as well if you fuss it the same. They love to get attention.

Nice to hear of other ladies getting oily, whatever the cause :) If you want to come racing there are always teams looking for crew.


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Originally posted by Hawaii

Why would you have to repack your gear box? What were the symptoms, Heidi. Or is this something we should all be doing on a regular basis for maintenance???

Wondering - Barbara

I was wondering the same thing... perhaps someone will chime in and answer.:cool:

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Originally posted by belquilt

Originally posted by Hawaii

Why would you have to repack your gear box? What were the symptoms, Heidi. Or is this something we should all be doing on a regular basis for maintenance???

Wondering - Barbara

I was wondering the same thing... perhaps someone will chime in and answer.:cool:

My machine had gotten progressively louder. I actually hadn't really noticed the difference at first. Joanne came over to show me how to run the baptist fan board and she told me months ago that it needed to be repacked. I also heard that it doesn't hurt anything if it isn't repacked it just gets louder. Well it had finally gotten loud enough to annoy me! LOL now that it is repacked it is so much quieter. The grease gets air bubbles in it and that is what causes the noise. It really was very easy to do.

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Originally posted by Ferret

Originally posted by hmerrill

Rita girlfriend I have no desire to work on the car! LOL I don't like the grease under my fingernails either but I can do anything to my machine! I love to hear it purr!

You're car would purr to you as well if you fuss it the same. They love to get attention.

Nice to hear of other ladies getting oily, whatever the cause :) If you want to come racing there are always teams looking for crew.


Rita yes it is tough when hubby's are gone. When hubby was gone there was always another hubby on the street that would handle the honey-do's for me and I would bake! LOL as long as I can bake I'll find somebody to do the dirty work. I have no desire to pop the hood on a car. I'm really not much into cars. My expectation is that they start when I want to go somewhere and that is it!

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You go girl! I didn't realize mine was low on grease either. Amy said that when she turned my machine on to do the overhaul, she knew right away that is what it needed. Hum, go figure!! Mine is so quiet now. I think we just get use to the sound and don't realize when it needs a good drink.

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Good for you Heidi!!!

I'm just not good at that stuff, I'm so visual, I'd have to have a video and keep watching it as I do it.... Mechanical things don't always make sense to me...

Although, when I'm watching them take apart a bomb on "24", I ALWAYS know which wire to cut!!!! (is it really that obvious?)

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Originally posted by Bobbi47

Good for you Heidi!!!

I'm just not good at that stuff, I'm so visual, I'd have to have a video and keep watching it as I do it.... Mechanical things don't always make sense to me...

Bobbi - Amy sent me very good directions with lots of pictures! It was really easy to figure out and you just need a plastic knife! What could be easier? There really isn't much that you could mess up except not putting the silicone sealer in so that it stays where you put it! Really I wouldn't lie to you this is so simple!

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Joanne your secret is safe with me! LOL when I make up my mind I will find a way to do it. Hubby was not too happy that I did it by myself. The machine is heavy but not so bad. I was super careful to keep it completely straight so that I didn't put pressure on the wheels as I too it off. It is wonderful to have a quiet machine agian and you were so right!

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