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my terrific discovery

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I just accidentally made the most wonderful discovery and had to share.

Trying to find a way to transfer patterns easier than chalk or purple pen, I was trying to find something in my sewing room that would work. I found a roll of clear contact paper (the plasticky kind) on the table. We had been using it to cover sign boards.

I traced my pattern onto a piece of the clear stuff using a permanent Sharpie marker. Then I stuck the clear plastic pattern page on the quilt block and stitched through it. What a mess. I could hardly get the plastic back off because it was sewed to the top. But I did pick out all the little pieces and learned from my mistake.

Next one I traced the pattern onto the clear, stuck it on the quilt block and sewed through it with an UNTHREADED needle. Pulled it off, and Voila! perfect needle hole guide marks to stitch my design onto the quilt block.

Best of all, it can be perfectly centered and EVERY block will look the same because the pattern is identical every time.

Try it, you'll like it.

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i've done this with water soluble stabilizer....tear off the big pieces and q-tip with water the little pieces....also draw the design with water soluble pen, and you're guarenteed not left over markings...also, aquadoodle pens are good for this too....

just my two cents....

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I am working on white fabric, using a 4.0 needle, and I can see the holes without having to put on my reading glasses. So, they must be pretty visible, cause I'm blind as a bat. LOL. I don't know what would happen on busy fabric, havent gotten that far yet. Probably would not work well on batik. I like the other ideas everybody has. Sounds like you've all done so pretty creative things. I just HATE marking and then hoping the marks come out. This way I don't have to do that. For me that's a big plus

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