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July Moxie Meeting(now updated)

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Hi all,

Gosh, July has been very hectic so far and no end in sight. I can't believe the Moxie meeting is just a week and half away. Yikes, I need to get busy and clean the joint up. Of course I really AM in the process of growing my Halloween decorations so I hope no one minds.

I am thinking we'll have a BBQ for lunch. I'll make a big Potato Salad and have the Hamburger and hot dog fixins if you want to bring goodies, chips, beverages and so on. Since EVERYONE has to travel to come here I don't want you to have to bring anything elaborate.

I also need you to bring something to sit on. My studio is upstairs so don't bring a couch or anything, just something light.

Bring your favorite tool, technique, background fill or whatever to demonstrate. I'll have a big practice piece on the Millie so we can pick each others' brains. And, definately, DON'T FORGET THE SHOW AND TELLS!! My favorite part of all.

Please email me for address and directions and I'll send them right back. I'm not too good at U2U so my email is in my signature.

I am really looking forward to having you all come to the beach (and a little nervous too).

Let me know if you need anymore information.

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I just had brunch with Patty Jo and I know she's looking forward to this meeting!! I have commited to the Eureka MT quilt show so won't make it this time but hopefully in the future I will be able to participate. OH! and Patty says she can't get signed in while at her daughter's but she's reading the posts. I LOVED meeting her I picked her quilting brain all through the meal, what a delightful lady, can't wait to meet more of the MOXIE group!!

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Hello all - well, I finially figured out why I couldn't get on - I've been trying to use the wrong password......OK, so this had to be operator error of the brain!! I enjoyed getting to know Shar and loved our visit. She will fit right in with all the Moxie's. And you are also a very delightful lady Shar.

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I have had a hard time getting onto the chat groups but I think I got it now. Thanks to Beth sending me a link.

I am new to long arm quilting and just got my machine in March. Beth Durand told me about your group and how much fun you all are, also about your meeting this month.

Are new people welcome? Can I join your group?

I don't think I can give any tips yet, but would love to pick up some tricks.

Thanks, Debbie Zerkel

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I will drive my van from Oregon City, does anyone want to car pool? I think Nancy Jo is still planning on coming with me, but maybe some others too!

Don't have much show and tell, but surgery went well and I am on my way to jogging someday soon!!!

Can't wait to see you soon!


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Not this time. If it is ever on a Saturday my chances are 50% better. Y'all have fun, and let us know how it went. Weather at the coast should be perfect. Lynda, we went through Seaside last Wednesday on our way home from Warrenton. I should have thought to give a shout.

Thanks Linda R. for the info.

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Hi Bekah,

Nora is offering to drive a group--meet up is at the Wal-Mart off 205--Mill Plain exit in Vancouver. 7:30 am. If there isn't enough room in Nora's van, we can split off into another car and caravan to Seaside. Also, Brendalee is looking for someone to carpool with her from Oregon City. I am happy to drive as well. We can work this out!!

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I am willing to drive or car pool and meeting at Walmart works for me. Or a group can meet a little further south I haven't checked a map, and don't go to seaside frequently so I am not sure if it would be easier for some of us from Portland to meet closer into town and then go out?

I will need to be leaving about 2:30-3:00 at the latest to get back into town for a birthday party of my nephews.

So lets see how many seats we need. Give a holler out so we can count!:D

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Hi all,

Only 4 more days and I am getting very excited (and nervous). Be aware, we are helping our single father son out and providing daycare for his 3 year old so the place will not be very clean. There is a reason, God makes parents young!!

I have been reading with interest the posts about the carpooling plans, they sound like a lot of fun.

Linda R. you are definately going way out of your way to meet up with the others in Vancouver to join the fun.

Here is a recap of the plan:

Start about 10:00 or whenever, end about 3:00 or, again, whenever.

I don't have a make and take planned, just not clever. I really look forward to sharing all our favorite techniques, stitches, backgrounds or whatevers. And of course show and tells. I've cleaned the Mille up and have loaded a big piece of muslin to play on.

We can take a trip to Cannon Beach to Center Dianmond if anyone is interested. It is the closest to a local shop we have. If you like Batiks it is the place to go.

The annual Beach Run is happening that day if anyone wants to compete have a great time (you can count this old girl out on that one).

I plan to have hamburgers, hot dogs and Potato Salad. I know chips are on the way and Patty Jo is bringing baked beans, Yum. If others want to bring beveridges, other salads and desserts that would be great. I firmly believe in Pot Luck so if we get all desserts, oh darn!!

I have limited chairs so if you can bring a "beach" chair that would be great. Remember, my studio is upstairs.

The weather man says it is going to be a sizzler in the valley so that usually means the fog will sock in here but you never know. Of course the cool weather is one of the reasons I love living here.

Anyway, see you all very soon.

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also, for those who want a treat from Les and me, bring a 2yd quilted piece with 1yd coordinating or matching or whatever. hopefully by the time we meet at Nora's in Oct or Nov. the surprises will be ready. be sure to pin a slip of paper or something with your name on them.

I will bring texas sheet cake brownies or a rhubarb pie, any preferences?

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