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new Millennium runs

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After the Odyssey of shipping my new Millennium runs and everything seems to work!!!!!

For the last three days I spent every free minute in my cellar looking at her, smiling, touching and of course I doing ppp :):):)

Today we had a little fight about thread tension and thread breaking ... but I think now we've got a peace agreement. I will look and care for her, oiling and so on and and and ... a very discriminating lady. That gave me an idea for her name: I will call her Lady Diva (not Lady Godiva ;) in German Diva is used for prima donna). A very demanding, fastidious lady but also very lovable!

May I introduce: Lady Diva


:) :cool: :) I'm really happy that everything is running now. In the days after I ordered the machine I began to doubt and often said to me, how silly to buy such a machine without a contact in my town, no technician or somebody who can come and help me. So much money for something wich is known in Germany only by some hundred people, where should my customers be? All Nonsense :D It's so much fun working with her!!

Hope in a few weeks I can post a picture of my first Quilt ...

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Dear Kerstin: Got my Milli and had all the same thoughts last December. After playing for 9 months, I can't tell you how happy :D:D:D:D I got it. Had been wishing for over 5 years, took the chance and its been wonderful.

I live in Georgia, USA, and I too have no one within a 6 hour drive to help with problems, but that said I have never heard of a problem these nice ladies on the forum or the phone call to APQS hasn't fixed!!! One of the most active and talented, both mechanically and quilter, lives in Alaska, so I guess we aren't too isolated..

Have a lot of fun, soon Germany will really understand what a great thing your Milli is, happy quilting, Pat

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Originally posted by PamelaA


I am so happy to hear you are up and running with Lady Diva. You are right about the name, they can be demanding machines. Have fun with her.


remember the old saying: To know me is to love me ....

This goes both ways! Have fun gettting to know your Diva

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Kerstin.......... Diva looks great. All loaded to PPP. I am glad you are having lots of fun.

I must take a photo of my Little Dove. She has not got the attention that I was hoping to give her. Her living quarters needed a bit more sorting, but I think I have got on top of it now.

Looking forward to seeing your first quilt. I think I will need to PPP quite a lot first though before i post my first pic.:D

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Kath, should Quilters waste time with sorting or tidy up rooms??? :) I think your Little Dove will prefer ppp ...

@jmcclannan: Hannover isn't far away from my place. One hour by train, a little longer by car. I was there just last Wednesday with some friends for an art exhibition at the Sprengel Museum.

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Kath, your Little Dove must be very happy to be in such a nice room with many windows and light! I hope some day my Diva can also come out of the cellar into a room with daylight.

Wish you much fun with ppp.

And to all thank you for your reassuring and stimulating posts.

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Thanks everyone..............not much PPP ing getting done, My DD is hear today , her car broke down near to me so the RAC brought her back to my house and are trying to fix it, as I type. It is nice to see her though.

Tracy my floor is tiled, but I have 4 large bright coloured foam interlocking tiles on the floor in front of the machine, there a bit easier on the feet. I think though now I will have to get some for the back as well.:)

I bought mine from B & Q.

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Hi Kerstin,

wish you all the best and much fun with your machine. I hope you will have more time for Lady Diva as I for my Rosi. (I called my machine Rosi - why? - I could not say). Last year, I have my dream fulfilled by buying this machine. And here in Austria I only know another 2 longarm quilter. Enjoy your Diva and ppp.



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Lady Diva and Little Dove look like they have found wonderful new homes. I am sure they were very ready to get out of those crates from the long journey over the ocean and are ready to run full speed ahead. Kathy, I love your quilting room looks so full of natural light with those big windows and doors at the end of the room that you can see what is going on outside. Wonderful spot for Little Miss Dove. I think once I retire and quilt more or less full time I may be moving my machine to a different spot with more room and light. Don't tell Hubby> he may loose his favorite room.

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