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Staples with pictures (for Tracey)

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OK so I hope these pictures help. This is how I attach my zippers to my backing fabric and quilt top. You turn the staple plate so the staple ends will face out not in (essential). You just line up the centers and then staple out to the edge about every inch or so. Once you are done you can just pull the staples out (slide out just like pins or you can use the pencil type puller that is smooth and won't damage the fabric).

Gross grain ribbon attached to the zipper. This saves the zipper from continual use. The gross grain ribbon doesn't stretch and holds up well. I've had my first set on for almost 2 years and it is still fine. I color code my zippers so that I don't have to think too hard when putting them on the quilt. I use one color for the bottom and a different color for the take-up roller. For the one that goes on the quilt top I put a loop of ribbon at the end that matches the take-up ribbon.


Staple along the edge just under 1/4" from edge


Picture of what the staples look like when they face out


I hope that helps!

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

Heidi, is that your latest customer quilt with the applique??? :) Looks pretty so please share when done. I love your work!!

Yes it is and it is a beauty! I've got almost all the SID done on it and now will move into the blocks. I love her colors. She does nice work. I'm hoping the stitcing goes pretty quickly...yeah right!

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Staples are a great idea! I don't have one of those florist staplers (gotta get me one of those); another option and what I've done is load my quilts on the rollers as normal and temporarily pin my backer and top to the gross grain ribbons that are stitched permanently on my zippers and using the longarm machine then I use a wide baste stitch the backer and top on the gross grain ribbon (removing the pins as I go) and therefore no more pins; just basted to the gross grain ribbon.

The only downside I see to baste stitching is when I remove the basting, it does make small holes in the gross grain ribbon; perhaps the staples do not do this.

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I get it now!!! My problem with understanding I think was that my zippered leaders are totally different than yours. On mmy machine the canvas cloth is attached to the rollers permanently. The removable part of my leaders is a narrower zippered canvas. I would still have to attache ribbon to my canvas because I don't think I'd want to keep stapling the canvas. Thank you so much for taking the time to do that for me and everyone else. I really appreciate it and Little Britain is a little brighter tonight with the light bulb above my head LOL:cool:

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Originally posted by hmerrill

You, Linda and Shana are welcome any time. We are in upstate NY about 15 minutes from the state capital. The airport is only 10 minutes away! We just need to make sure I can get a week off of work! It would be loads of fun.

Heidi, next September 2010 is my MIL & FIL 50th wedding anniversary and they live in Watertown. Andre and I are going to be there to celebrate. We would most likely fly into Syracuse. Maybe I can drag my MIL & SIL for a little quilting road trip and we could come visit you & Bonnie. We drove through Albany a couple of years ago. So pretty there. DH and I took the country roads to Cooperstown. Dang that is beautiful countryside! I told my DH that he could buy me a little retirement farmhouse any place around that area (Ithica, Rome...) I fell in love it is so pretty there.

Maybe some day we will be neighbors. I need to retire.

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Can I come too?? Sounds like a blast! I like the staple idea.... I have seen Dawn do this with the demo classes, but they just rip and pull and let the staples fly where they will when done!! :cool:

I know it is much quicker that way to set-up, but never thought of turning the plate thingy (so that they staple out) and then using the same thing on "Real" quilts!! I know I would use my trusty old tiny needle nose plyers to pull them out. I use it all time, for threads and such when ripping or cleaning up a quilt top.

Great idea - - Thanks!!! :D

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