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Originally posted by anniemueller

Quiltazoid, circle lord, Hartley Fence....which is best and why?

I don't know if one is better than the others but I'll tell you why I chose the Quiltazoid, price and versatility.

The Hartley Fence came with my machine. It was the bonus at the time. I have never used it. It looks like it would be good for circles and probably some of the cookie cutter shapes but the QuiltEZ and RNS pattern boards do that with a much easier and faster setup.

Quiltazoid and Circle Lord are both very versatile, well loved by their users and have great support, but the QZ is less expensive. I have quite a few QuiltEZ/RNS pattern boards that should work with the QZ. And even if they don't, I already have the stylus set up for them on the back so I'll still use them. I plan to use the QZ from the front of the machine.

I know you didn't ask about the QuiltEZ / RNS pattern boards but I mention them too because they are a good alternative if you don't want to invest a lot of money up front. All you need is the stylus (less than $50) and pattern board(s) of your choice. It's more of an ala carte purchase.

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ok, you ladies are convincing! I think I see either a Quiltazoid or a Circle Lord in my future.... maybe next year.

I do have one question though.... do either of these tools require that the machine be raised to use them? for the basic unit only, or for using the pattern boards?? or both, or none??? is it difficult to raise the machine?

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Thanks to all you gals for the info on the Quiltazoid!

I've been trying to get back to Ohio mode after leaving MT on the 28th and driving for 5 days. Actually my DH drove and I read quilting maga and back issues of Unlimited Possiblities and the sister mag ( senior moment..can't recall the name of it!)

Took her highness, Touch of Copper, our 6 mo old yellow Lab, to the vet hospital to be spade today. Poor baby couldn't figure out why there was no food in her bowl. She keep coming to me and sitting at attention with a look of " Isn't this right? Aren't I good?" I'm hoping she'll be a bit less active but I'm not sure this procedure works like that like neutering does for males.

Now, I'll go check out the Quiltazoid website.!!

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Hi Monika! I am way SE of you.... Arcola, SK (little town about 55 miles east of Weyburn) where the wind blows and blows and blows...... :o If you ever come down this way give me a shout! Would love to hook up! Thanks for answering my question about raising the machine for the CL.... does that mean you have one, and are getting a QZ too?!! you lucky girl! I'm close to the US border.... I could run down there and scold the customs officer if he plays with your new toy too long! :D

And thanks also, Kristina. Do you have pattern boards for the QZ? I checked my machine, and probably have about a 1/4 inch of clearance between the bottom of the carriage and my table top.... that wouldn't be enough room for the pattern boards, would it?? Do edgerider wheels raise the machine up abit? I thought I read somewhere that they are thicker than the standard Millie wheels.

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Originally posted by hmerrill

Annie - There are a few basic differences. The Quiltazoid can work from the back or the front of the machine. You can use tracing templates or the spirograph attachment. The spirograph attachment alone has probably more than 600 designs - really the sky is the limit because you can change the designs and get secondary designs. The CL just came up with a front attachment but I haven't heard of anybody who has used it. It also takes up 30" of your quilting space which is a lot. I would guess the quiltazoid only takes up 9 - 12". With the CL you have to take it on and off to roll your quilt and with the Quiltazoid you can roll with it still in place you just release the break. There is also a huge price difference. I would suggest you go to both sites and do a comparison. I know the most about the Quiltazoid because that was the one I chose to go with. You can get the basic Quiltazoid & spirograph for $700. The tracing template are only $75 - 85. You can also get design boards to use from the back of the machine if you want that option. You also have the option of attaching CL templates or design boards from R&S on the Quiltazoid.


Just to clarify, I, actually, measured the space on the end, taken up by the Circle Lord and template. I, modified, in my blog, my original 100 inches to 129 inches. The longer length is when the Long Arm is against a wall, as is ours. An additional, shorter arm, is available for free, if this is a problem.

The Circle Lord system sits on the same two rollers as the Quiltazoid. It locks, and unlocks in a similar way. I can't see that anyone would want to quilt with either, on the top bar, over the quilt, but it's possible. In neither case, can you slide the whole assembly along to center, as you can with the Circle Lord, on the back. You drag the CL along the back, with your machine, placing your needle right where you want it to center.

There is not a huge price difference. The Circle Lord, with back and front stylus, is $699.00. Our Spiral Thingy, included, does not pretend to equal the Spirograph attachment - Gammill has had one of these for years - Google it -the Design Center. When you buy Circle Lord, you pay no state tax.

After you pay $700.00 for the Quiltazoid sale package, you have to pay $100.00 more for another stylus for the back. Our Stepping Templates are priced higher because they work fast. "Time is Money". Our patented stepping pin system requires just lifting the template momentarily, and moving it to the appropriate stepping hole.

The Circle Lord Stylus systems use our patented "lift and stay" stylus on both the front and the back. Both can use the Push Button system to do one hand stepping. The Front stylus system has 2 stylus positions, one for 12 inch templates, and another for our 18" square templates.

You have not seen any reports on our Front system,except for my own Blog notes, because no one has it yet. It is in production.

We have, over 50 templates to offer. Since we began 8 years ago, our prices have come down. Just last month we reduced prices again. We have never charged for a part, even if it were, lost, melted, or the dog ate it. Used Circle Lords are selling for over 50% of what was paid even up to 8 years ago.

Kay and I, always deal with each customer, either in person, or on the phone. We give 24-7 service. I really don't mind those calls from California at 1:00 am.

There is more public information available about the Circle Lord, than for any other machine quilting tool.

We are here to serve you.

Thank you,

Michael and Kay

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Originally posted by circlelord

Originally posted by hmerrill

Annie - There are a few basic differences. The Quiltazoid can work from the back or the front of the machine. You can use tracing templates or the spirograph attachment. The spirograph attachment alone has probably more than 600 designs - really the sky is the limit because you can change the designs and get secondary designs. The CL just came up with a front attachment but I haven't heard of anybody who has used it. It also takes up 30" of your quilting space which is a lot. I would guess the quiltazoid only takes up 9 - 12". With the CL you have to take it on and off to roll your quilt and with the Quiltazoid you can roll with it still in place you just release the break. There is also a huge price difference. I would suggest you go to both sites and do a comparison. I know the most about the Quiltazoid because that was the one I chose to go with. You can get the basic Quiltazoid & spirograph for $700. The tracing template are only $75 - 85. You can also get design boards to use from the back of the machine if you want that option. You also have the option of attaching CL templates or design boards from R&S on the Quiltazoid.


Just to clarify, I, actually, measured the space on the end, taken up by the Circle Lord and template. I, modified, in my blog, my original 100 inches to 129 inches. The longer length is when the Long Arm is against a wall, as is ours. An additional, shorter arm, is available for free, if this is a problem.

The Circle Lord system sits on the same two rollers as the Quiltazoid. It locks, and unlocks in a similar way. I can't see that anyone would want to quilt with either, on the top bar, over the quilt, but it's possible. In neither case, can you slide the whole assembly along to center, as you can with the Circle Lord, on the back. You drag the CL along the back, with your machine, placing your needle right where you want it to center.

There is not a huge price difference. The Circle Lord, with back and front stylus, is $699.00. Our Spiral Thingy, included, does not pretend to equal the Spirograph attachment - Gammill has had one of these for years - Google it -the Design Center. When you buy Circle Lord, you pay no state tax.

After you pay $700.00 for the Quiltazoid sale package, you have to pay $100.00 more for another stylus for the back. Our Stepping Templates are priced higher because they work fast. "Time is Money". Our patented stepping pin system requires just lifting the template momentarily, and moving it to the appropriate stepping hole.

The Circle Lord Stylus systems use our patented "lift and stay" stylus on both the front and the back. Both can use the Push Button system to do one hand stepping. The Front stylus system has 2 stylus positions, one for 12 inch templates, and another for our 18" square templates.

You have not seen any reports on our Front system,except for my own Blog notes, because no one has it yet. It is in production.

We have, over 50 templates to offer. Since we began 8 years ago, our prices have come down. Just last month we reduced prices again. We have never charged for a part, even if it were, lost, melted, or the dog ate it. Used Circle Lords are selling for over 50% of what was paid even up to 8 years ago.

Kay and I, always deal with each customer, either in person, or on the phone. We give 24-7 service. I really don't mind those calls from California at 1:00 am.

There is more public information available about the Circle Lord, than for any other machine quilting tool.

We are here to serve you.

Thank you,

Michael and Kay

Michael & Kay,

I'm sorry if my opinion on the Quiltazoid vs the CL bothers you. Since you quoted my remarks I get the impression that you do not agree with my statement. I don't believe that I mis-quoted anything and I also mentioned that buyers should do their own comparison and make the decision for themselves. I do want to clear up you mis-conception about the stylus. The reason there is a $100 charge for the stylus listed separately is because you can buy just the stylus and the boards that work from the back and don't have to buy a Quiltazoid unit if you don't want to. The stylus that comes with the Quiltazoid will work both on the Quiltazoid and the Boards. I'm sure that Adam & Linda are the experts on their pricing list as you are on yours. I want to be clear that I have no financial investment or affiliation with Adam & Linda Anderson. I simply believe in their product and give my own personal opinion of it and the cost value to ME. They have designed a fantastic system and I'm happy with it so I'm happy to let others know that.

I'd like to clarify my comparison with the price difference. It is based on the price of your templates which range from $99 (yes there are a few exceptions) to $149 while the Quiltazoids are about 1/2 of that. To me that is a huge difference. Your basic unit is $1 less then the Quiltazoid is with the spirograph, which I believe combined has a lot more design options. Another option that works wonderfully for me is that I don't have to remove it to roll my quilt. Since I do not float my tops and use my upper bar to load my quilt (wouldn't do it any other way because that is what works for me) and I'm thrilled that I can leave the Quiltazoid in place and roll my quilt forward without having to remove it. I can also center my design very easily.

Again I think each buyer should decide for themselves. There is a big market out there and many options for tools. Buyers should do their research and buy the one that works best for them. I was not knocking your product and I don't believe I did that at all. Annie asked what the difference was so I simply pointed out the differences. I don't believe I made any false statements in my comparison. I'm glad I made the choice I did. I did not mean for my remarks to offend or to be considered false. They are my own personal opinion and my comparison of the two units. If you have a personal issue with anything that I posted please email me and lets see if we can clear them up. This is a great forum and room for everybody. I don't think there is a need to put down other products or vendors and I certainly was not trying to do that to you and Kay. What works for one might not work for somebody else.

Oh by the way on the tax thing. In my state if I purchase something to use in my business I still have to claim it and pay taxes on it regardless if the vendor charges tax or not. I doesn't matter if I purchased it in another state or another country, I have to claim it and pay the state tax on it.

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Wow, thanks for the informative responses. I really appreciate hearing from everyone, users and manufacturers. I bought the Hartley Fence with my Millenium this summer, without doing enough research. At the time I chose it to do nice circles, because I knew that they would be difficult to do well without a good guide. I had no idea that things like Circle Lord and Quiltazoid and RNS exist. Sooooo, I expect I'll be calling APQS soon to see if it's possible to return the HF and apply the $$ towards one of the other systems.

This is the best forum. For anyone thinking about buying a long arm system, read this forum daily for a while first, to learn more about what you'll be getting!

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