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Quilt has special meaning to soldier

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This article was published in our local newspaper on September 20th it is a heart wrenching story of just how much these Quilts of Valor mean to our soldiers, their families and yes, even to us the quilters. The quilter in this article is also a member of this forum, although she doesnt post very much she owns a Millenium and is very active in our local Quilts of Valor chapter. The piecer of the quilt is also very active in QOV and both are members of our local Quilt guild. Donnita has also been filmed in episodes of Army Wives because of her involvement. I am not sure if any of the shows have aired as yet. Pretty cool stuff I think, enjoy!


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This story really touched my heart. I help a local group in Everton, MO. A town so small that most people could probably never even find it on a map. This small group made 80 quilts to send with the chaplain earlier this year. They are at it again, as I donated all the red, white or blue fabric in my stash for more quilts. They have already brought 4 for me to quilt. I am very proud to make a soldier feel treasured for his/her efforts.

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OK this one brought tears to my eyes and it hit home for me. Thanks for sharing!

On a personal note, our Stryker Brigade from Alaska just returned home from a tour overseas. They are based at Ft. Wainwright, located here in my home town of Fairbanks.

"Welcome Home!" signs are all over my town and they hang from the fences of Ft. Wainwright.

God Bless Our Troops!



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Thanks for sharing Jeanne, what a neat story, I surely hope that he heals well!

Shana, my nephew and his bride are there, he was one of the last to return from Iraq and they are just moving into a rental house up there! It's so great that they made it back! My dear friend, Donna Lynn Thomas'(quilt author and instructor) son will be based in Fairbanks as well starting this December. Small world!

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May need a tissue.

I have been quilting/piecing in days before Milli for American Hero Quilts for several years. In the past 3 years, Ben Franklin where I teach, has been doing a contest each year for American Heroes. Last year they donated 38 quilts and tops and this year, I haven't heard the count, but when they were hanging in the store, it looked like about the same amount to me. I know how much they are appreciated by the soldiers.

Sue, the founder of AHQ, likes to tell the story of one soldier who needed life saving surgery, but wouldn't give his permission to take him into surgery. Turns out he was afraid to leave his quilt for fear that someone would steal it. Sue promised him that she would stay at the hospital and keep his quilt until he was out of surgery and awake to again 'protect' his quilt. I have told this story many times in promoting AHQ and it still brings tears to my eyes.

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Neat Story as well Shiela, I know there are a million more stories and we have heard others, I especially liked the fact that in all the quilts from all over the country that our soldier got a quilt from home. Now they may say it was total coincidence, but I see the Lord's hand all over this one!! Thank You Lord!!

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