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I started going gray in my early 30's so I colored it continuously until about 2 years ago when my DH said "Shana quit fighting the battle." and I was relieved because the coloring made my hair very dry and brittle and it fell out all the time. Now, I am my natural hair with a recovered very thick full head of hair and everyone likes my "salt and pepper" look. I like it too. No more time hassles and expensive messy hair color treatments, no more strands of fallen hair all over the place, So there!

Maybe I won the battle after all???

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You go Dory! I stopped coloring my hair about a 1.5yr ago, I knew it was silver, my Mom & both of my Grandmom's were. I don't look younger than my age anymore but I didn't want the dyes on my head. I'm afraid of cancer too much to keep doing it.

I've been on Jenny Craig since August and I've lost 23# as of today. If you put your mind to it you can do it! I know that I will never be slim but I am getting more comfortable in my body. I feel so much better already so do what you can 'cos every little bit helps!

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I agree you look great in your avitar. And the grey hair looks great as well.

I have more grey hair than I am willing to accept right now so for me I will keep dying it, maybe when I hit 50 I will let it go grey, I am 43 now. i am also struggling with 15 lbs to loose. I started doing 90 mins of cardio per day in hopes of loosing at least 10 of the lbs by Thanksgiving. I never struggled with my weight when I was younger, had a great metabolism then I hit my mid 30's and the weight slowly went up and it has been harder to get rid of and keep it off.

My main problem is trying to find enough time in the day to exercise, do customer quilts, keep house and keep up with the kids.

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Gray hair is awesome!

I stopped coloring mine three years ago when I was 41. Its funny but I get more compliments now than ever, especially in the public restroom. Whenever I go into one somebody says something. Never fails. And my kids have finally stopped saying, "Mom, can you do something about your hair?"


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I have a recumbant exercise bike. I just program in my level, time etc... and go. I sweat, like there's no tomorrow! I have it set up in my bedroom and so I can watch TV, watch a movie or put on my MP3 player and listen to music. Once you get pass the 1st 30 mins it's not that bad (you start to maintain your maxium heart rate with less effort) and all of the sweating acts like your own personal air conditioning, lol

After I am done my leg muscles feel real good, tighter, firmer, and I have alot more energy than I had before exercising.

Starting in January I plan on cutting back my cardio to 3 days of 90 mins and then add in 4 days of weight lifting (2 days of upper body and 2 days of lower body/ abs) . I need to get my DH motivated though to clean the garage first so I can get to my weight bench again, it's been a few years since I have used it.

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Ok, so now I'm lookin' and Dory, your avatar isn't coming up! Where are ya?

As to the "flabby fifty's", I say pooh pooh! At 62+ I'm heavier than I've ever been, and I like me more now than when I was "foxy forty"...

I may have "rolls", but I still "Rock!!!"


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Joann...just wait til you start adding weights; you'll be so amazed. Until first back surgery, I was working out 6 days a week - both weights and cardio alternatively. Never for more than about 30 minutes though, unless it was a weekend or I was jogging. Since being released from my second surgery, I've been really off and on until lately. Now I work out during the day at some point (makes the time go by faster at work!) and do 2 of my 3 weekend days with some sort of exercise. I'm impressed that you have 90 minutes to bike; hopefully, when I retire I'll either be doing something like that or riding every day!

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I have got to get back to my excercise routine. I was doing really well until the doctor banned me from doing any cardio 2 weeks before my son's wedding in May. I had been doing the ellipical for 30 - 60 minutes. If I only did 30 then I did 30 on the treadmill too. Well as it turns out it was the elliptical that did my foot in. My foot doctor told me not to do more than 20 minutes and if my feet went numb then I shouldn't do it at all. I had a pinched nerve in the ball of my foot. Not fun. Now I just can't seem to get back into my excercise routine.

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The only reason I can fit it in is because, the kids are back in school now and if I have customer appointments, I schedule them close enough together on the same days to make the best of my time then once they leave I grab my water and get started on my cardio before the kids get home from school. Then since the kids aren't in any after school activities I quilt from 3:00 pm on taking a break to eat dinner, the kids are old enough to take turns cooking 1 night a week and when it's my turn the crockpot is essential. I have been doing 2-3 quilts per day for 3-4 days a week then I have time to do my stuff or chores.

If you really want something bad enough you make time to fit it in. I don't think how much time of cardio is as important as the quality of the time you do it is. As long as you get your heart rate up you will burn calories. You burn more cals per minute when you reached your maxium heart rate. For me it always takes me a while to get my heart rate up to where it is most effective..which is why I do 90 mins I tried 30 but it wasn't as effective, 60 was better but I get better results when I am at 90.

Heidi, you need to find your motivation, once you do then there will be no stopping you.

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