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New Years Resolutions Quilting or Other

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My First New Years Resolution every year is to read my bible daily and strive for a closer relationship to my Lord and Savior! If that can stay on top of my list for the year I know I will survive anything that comes my way. After all, All things are Father Filtered and he can make something good out of all situations no matter how hard they may be. If nothing else a closer reliance upon him. I think I have spent more time on my knees this past year than any other year and have definately had a more intimate relationship with him. I am praying for that to continue but not out of necessity as much as out of desire.

My other New Years resolutions are to get more quilting time and practice in and finish a few more quilts for our March quilt show.

Also to exercise and eat healthier and maybe even lose a few pounds.

Anyone else have some good ideas of New Years resolutions?

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Yours are so good that some of us don't need to add to them. I haven't gotten myself to the daily Bible reading, but this fall started going to Bible Study Fellowship (look on internet to see if one is in the area for any interested). It has ended up that there are 6 that ride in my van every Monday evening to go. It has gotten me into the Bible more regularly, so that is a good start.

Quilt-wise, I would just like to finish the things started for others, and clear up the stuff in the room. My big desire is for hubby to get the addition and other house changes done this year. That would take a big frustration off of me, but I can't make it happen, just don't have the experience/knowledge he does.

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One of my big ones actually started a few months back, I decided to pray the rosary every day. It centers me.

I also plan to continue to eat healthy and exercise in 2010.

Quilt wise I plan on actually finishing the family Christmas stockings and tree skirt that I started 4 years ago :o:P I vowed to my kids that this year was going to be the last year for the old ones.

And last but not least I plan on stopping my customer quilts the week before Thanksgiving 2010 and not do anymore until Jan 2011...this year taught me that I need to enjoy the holidays more and not feel so rushed or frazzled.

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I think many have taken the last one to heart and made a deadline for Christmas quilts to give them the time they need to finish the customers in time to leave personal shopping and family time. That family time is too important to be left till last and be short changed.

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Getting closer to God is always a good thing. One that I strive for every year and I hope to be better at this year.

Quilting wise I hope to have more time and feel like I'm not rushed all the time! I hate having every moment planned and scheduled. It takes away my creative freedom. Of course I have to have more time for Madie too. It has been a few months of adjustments but I think we are getting into a rhythm now. My daughter moved out yesterday and now Madie will have her own big room where we can store her toys and make her feel like it is all hers. Right now she shares it with my office. I also want to get things done around the house. I always put off things for me and I need to just get them done. I'm going to plan a weeks vacation and just do things around the house.

I also need to get back to the gym. I was doing so good before the wedding but have fallen off the wagon. I really need to get back on. I feel better and less stressed when I'm working out. I also need to get back eating healthy. I eat when I'm stressed and the last couple of months have been ugly.

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I recently invested in a One Year Bible to give myself a daily goal and hopefully the structure will keep me going. I feel terrible when I realize I'm not making time for the most important things! Sometimes when I feel ignored by my own children it reminds me how God feels when I let my time with Him fall out of my day. I, too, intend to improve my eating and exercising habits this year. I'd love to lose the same 10 pounds I've been trying to lose for........ As for quilting, I just want to keep improving my skills and working at a pleasurable pace.

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I know this sounds terribly selfish but I am going to try really hard to focus on me. I have spent so much time taking care of others for the past few years that I have become lost. My mom passed away a few weeks ago and I found myself with time and didn't even know what to do so I started worrying about my dad, and my dog, etc... I realized I need to try to stay in the moment and find myself again.... and to start that, I actually worked on a quilt for my husband that I started last year. Worked my butt off the day before his birthday (the 28th) and got it done for him.. I hadn't had time to shop. I need to take a pic for you all because it is a very nice "man" quilt.. I know that kind of sounded like I was doing something for someone else again, didn't it.. but... quilting, its for me :D

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I'm so sorry to hear about your moms passing. I know that she is at least at peace now and I sure hope you are too! I know how hard it is to loose a parent, especially when it isn't their time. Hang in there and know I'm always here if you need someone. It is not selfish by the way to make time for you! My quilting is definitely my selfish time but I've learned not to feel guilty about it!

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I too am so sorry to hear about your Mom, we as women get so wrapped up in doing for everyone else, whether by choice or necessity and most times both, that we seldom find the time to do anything at all for ourselves. After spending so much time and efforts on taking care of our loved ones we really do get lost in all the day to day motion. Once that person is gone from our lives there is a huge void and you are right, we dont even know what to do with ourselves. So give yourself a break and go ahead and make some time to just for yourself. I dont see it as selfish but rather well earned compensation and a respid that your truly need. After all if we dont take care of ourselves what good will we be to anyone else especially when so many depend on us. Being a woman sure isnt an easy job, and I dont see anyone else in my family applying for my job!!

Hoping that your New Year is the start to a brand new journey of your making!!

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Roberta, taking time for yourself is not selfish!! Especially when you realize that it allows you more peace and contentment that can't help but spill over to the others in your life because a lot of your stress has been relieved. May God bless you with lots of stress relieving time!!

My sympathies to you for your mother's death.

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Jeanne, I love your resolutions.

The only thing I want to add is very specific. I have never had a real tree skirt under my tree. Well, not since I left home. I have mostly used a piece of fabric (I have always had plenty of that around), but now I want a real skirt. My dd said "well, Mom, maybe you don't want to break with tradition. ;-)" Thanks, dd!!

The funny part is that I have written and sell a pattern for a tree skirt! I have made 4 tree skirts for each of my kids, I have made samples for LQSs to display when they sell my patterns or when I teach my pattern for a class, but someone has always bought those, so I have never gotten them home. This year I actually have a tree skirt top under the tree, so I am getting closer! I don't think I will quilt this one for me, however, as we have an artificial tree and I need a skirt with a smaller trunk opening.

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Jeanne, You hit the nail right on the head for my thoughts too! Every one of them!! Madolyn, Good that you are going to BSF!! I went to BSF for 25 years! 23 of those as a children's leader! It is a wonderful program! I have not been going for 3 years now cause I am the women's ministry director at our church now, but I am going to go back next year for class! I am excited to do Isaiah! Julie, I have a whole year bible, but have not attempted it yet....maybe this is a good time to do that!! Roberta, I am so sorry to hear of your mom's death. I hope you can get some much needed rest and be comforted! I will be praying for you and your family! linda

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Thank you all very much. You are such a wonderful, kind, insightful, smart, supportive group of women. :).. I truly am at peace because I know she is in a better place and no longer suffering. I also had a long time to prepare for this as she had a steady progression...

Now I am going to have to bookmark, or print this thread so I can remember your advice because I know my resolution will be a hard one :D

I know all of you will do well with your resolutions. They are very good ones! So spiritual. I like that.

Jeanne - I am really hoping to see a picture of your tree skirt next year. Every girl needs her own :).

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(((hugs to Roberta))) about the loss of your mom. I'm so sorry and sad to learn this. I am glad you took a positive step and finished the quilt for your husband.

I've been thinking a lot about my life and reflection on the past. I think lately I have been a helium baloon floating around up in the sky; trying to take care of others, my career at work, worrying about things I can't control, and I've been putting myself on the back burner. I need to get this balloon back to being grounded again so the string is tied to a big heavy rock so the balloon stays grounded for a while. I think I've kinda lost myself a little and starting now, I'm refocusing on what's most important to me::: my wonderful loving husband who is so good to me, and my life at home, working on our home remodeling, etc. Oh, and I also don't have a tree skirt. I'll put that on my "to do" list for 2010.

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You spell your name the same as I do, I was reading about the tree skirt and thought, but I have a tree skirt and mine is all full of christmas trees with cows and bells on the cows necks, a friend made it for me and it is huge, I have it on a round table right now and it hangs over about 12 inches all the way around. Works a whole lot better on the round table than on the floor as it was really too big. I hope you get one finished for your tree next year as well. Lots of luck!

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Like you, without the Lord my life is nothing. This is one of the best topics we have ever had, reflecting on life, blessings, struggles and goals.

Roberta, I hope the this year brings you all the best.

And you my dear Shana is one of the most tender hearted and generous person I have ever met, (MQS 2009) you are truly blessed to have such a wonderful husband.

Happy New Year to all!!!


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