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Quilting Estimate Calculator

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I was on Ferret's site a while back and saw the neatest little calculator for her customers to estimate what she would charge for quilting. I felt this was just brilliant!

I found a script to put on my site for my customers to use but felt it ran a little chunky, so I had a friend write me up some code to add to my site.

My Customers love it! What's best is it gives them the opportunity to play around with measurements and desired quilting and decide if sending their quilt out is worth the investment. Of course we all know it is!

If anyone is interested, I'd be happy to share the code for your websites as it is all open source code and very simple to modify to suite your needs.

I feel it is a valuable resource to your potential clients.

Here's a look at the calculator in action :)


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Glad I inspired you Matt. My customers love coming to me and knowing exactly what a quilt will cost them I make a point of charging what my site says even if it undercharged so they have the security of knowing what the price will be. I think a lot of people are a lot more comfortable checking the price with a computer rather than a human as the computer doesn't see the shock if the price is too high.


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So true Ferret! It also allows them some time to think about what they've just seen. Then they can proceed to the next step where they call or email. They've now got some good discussion points and the conversation seems to go a lot smoother. I've had a couple ladies sit down with their husbands to show them what it would cost and surprisingly, the husbands suggested they go for the more elaborate quilting.

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Sorry everyone, I've been pretty busy with custyquilts and have been trying my hand at writing. I have been recently published/featured in Professional Quilter, Quilter's Home, Cloth Paper Scissors Studios, Quiltposium and Quilters Connection Magazines. I really enjoy discussing quilting from a Man's perspective although the more I write, I'm finding that it's more from a LAQ's point of view than anything.


I've finally got the code ready for everyone to use. I've gathered all the files and need to decide the best way for everyone to receive it. There are a few instructions included with the files and code. I would like to set up a time that I can answer questions for any of you that may have trouble following them.

I think the best way will be to send it in an email. Many of you have emailed me, u2u'd, and answered this post. I would like to just send one email if possible so give me a few hours to gather your email addresses and send it out to you guys.

If you haven't requested yours yet and would like to do so now, use the contact form at http://manquilter.com.

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