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Quilt Question

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As usual, I am looking for suggestions. I was going to cross hatch the attached quilt in the white areas, but after I got it loaded I decided it just was not a cross hatch type quilt. (The middle colored areas I am using my Ccircle Lord. ) Now I am standing looking at it....AAARRRGGG!!!! Just can't decide what to do. Help!



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Dory, I have to recharge my camera but I thought I would use my Circle Lord Aztec disc and make circled flowers. I had thought of stippling in the white but Shana I liked your idea. The only problem is the white is a different size. It is more retangular where the stack and wack is rounder and there is a 2 inch strip between each colored piece. I just hate it when I change my mind about what I am going to do. I can never decide what to do then!


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I too love molar feathers. They are far easier than regular feathers because:

1 - the sides of the feathers don't have to touch - I think it looks better with a little space in between

2. The molar part is not expected to be symmetrical or perfectly smooth, so it's easier to do than a traditional feather

3. The molar top part is very adaptable at filling up space. You can have it go closely up to a straight edge or even a pointy area and it fills the space more completely than a rounded feather.

They also give a contemporary flair. That being said, I wouldn't use them on a very traditional quilt (Baltimore Album), but they would look great on your quilt.

Kristina - Your molar feathers are great!


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Kristina and Julia (or any of you amazing quilters). Sorry, now I am being a nuisance. When you use molar feathers as a filler do you draw a wiggly spine first on the quilt so you know where you are going? I have been trying them on my sample piece but seem to end up boxed in. gggrrrrrrr!


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Hi Lib,

Wow....Kristina posted a link to my purple quilt...:cool: so I thought I would try to help you here. I marked my spine with chalk first so I had a good balance to the wave of the feather.

When I first looked at your quilt I thought a flower motif in the white triangles would look nice and then a feather design like the one in my purple quilt but not the molar feather but the one above...the feather feather swirl. I don't think you have enough room to do a molar feather in your white sashing, how wide is it? A simpler one sided wavy feather in the white sashing might be better for that size.

Keep practicing that molar feather though, it is a great one to be able to do and works well in a 4" to 5" border.

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Thank you Kathy. I was thinking along the same lines as the sashing is only 2 inch wide. I think before I use the molar feather on a customer's quilt I should practise it a little more. What I am tending towards doing is just a simple floral type stipple. That will tie in with the flower I am putting in the colored parts and also hopefully soften the hexagon shape.

I do love those molar feathers though, and shall definately use them in the future.


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