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ok...now I'm gonna just beg!!!

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Please, please, please girls...this moon glow quilt is not talking to me. I have it all stitched in the ditch. I started a McTavishing fill in the background of the stars but I can't do it 'cause I thought I should use dark monopoly. Duh I can't see the dang stuff. So I move over to the other block (you know the one that looks like a court house steps?) Imagine that, I can't see the thread over there either. Did I stop? NOOOOOO of course not. I stopped when I realized I was quilting blind. Now I can't see the thread to rip it out!! I can not quilt the rest of the quilt with that thread. It is too much strain on my eyes. I NEED someone out there to bail me out and just tell me what to quilt. Better yet? Could you draw it??? I am soooo stumped with this one. Heidi, Doodlebug, Bonnie, Linda???? Anyone?? Shana? I'm BEGGING you:o:o


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Tracey, I'm not one of the "experts" on here by any means, but...can you set up lamps on either side and try to sidelight what you've quilted so far? If that doesn't work, can you take the light out (I don't have a Gammill, so I'm not sure how the lighting works) and try it with just the side lights? Keep futzing with your lighting...that may help. And keep in mind your quilting won't have to be perfect since the thread is invisible!! Good luck!!

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First you need to breath! LOL Dory is right using side lights may help a lot. You might also want to try turning off your machine light and just using side lights. I doubt a black light would help but you might try that too. To frog flip the quilt over and frog from the wrong side. Do you know what you want to do? I can try a doodle or two but I don't want to draw something that might frustrate you more!

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That's the thing Heidi, I don't really know what to do. This quilt won't talk to me at all. I'm so frustrated. The side lighting won't help me see unfortunately. The only things I have to frog are the little bit of McTavishing and the 'blind feathers'. I f anyone out there has a great idea for a background besides McT. (around the stars) and I'm really not in love with what I have for the other blocks either so all ideas are most appreciated.

Thanks girls.

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How about pebbles or just a stipple in the background. The star should be the star of the show in my opinion. You could even do a peacock meander to nail down that background. I think you need to decide if you like straight lines or curves more. I personally like the feathers but the cross hatching would be very elegant looking too.

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Yes, I was thinking micro stipple. I know it's a pain in the fanny, but you are free to cross over the line and the quilting police won't come near you. Also, if you can't see the crossover....who else is going to? By the way, my name is not on the list...and I also am no expert ;)

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I don't know if this will work for you but I would call the customer. I would tell them the quilt isn't talking and as I would like to do what is right for the quilt (when it finally lets you know) and would they mind you keeping it a bit longer to think on. I've done this twice and both customers seemed to appreciate the honesty and that I wanted their quilts to have the best. Strangely one of them got very chatty as soon as I started another quilt. the other did take a little longer, but I think they were both better for just waiting.


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