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Open toe foot ?

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Why cant we interchange the feet like the domestice machine or the industrial machines do with a screw adapter?? Cant someone come up with this. We need a hacksaw, then drill and drill bit, a good screw and whalla!!! We add on the other foot!! Ok guys now do the technical work and I will be in line to buy the set up!! With all our minds together maybe we can do this....LOL:P:P

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Guest Linda S

An open toe foot can be nice, but if you happen to get a quilt with bulky seams, it can be a nightmare!! Catch the edge of that foot on a bulky seam and push, rip, split, YIPES! Before you totally open the foot, you might want to just shave that front edge down a bit and leave it closed with a slim bit of metal.


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This is the foot on my long arm. I painted the inside of it with "white out" (typing correction fluid) and I used a red Sharpie to put a reference mark on the front dipped out edge of the foot. That red line has been a very useful, and the white out helps lighten the dark area inside the foot. (2 coats of white out)--- I did this when I first got the Prodigy machine last Oct.

I would still like the dip in the front of the foot a bit wider and just a tad lower so I may try to shave a bit off with the dremel. The Prodigy also has two other feet by Sharon Schamer, one is a open toe foot, one small closed foot. But, they are small feet, and not for ruler work. Great for feathers though!

I just wanted to share what white out and a line of ink can do to just about any brand of machine foot.


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I got an older Milli and we finally figured out why I had trouble doing ruler work. It was an old hopping foor. To change out our hopping foot you have to dismantle the bobbin assembly and put it back, not a bad task mind you unless you screw up. Which I did. Lessen learned it is fixed, running nicely and I won't be doing this again anytime soon. Timing is not nearly as scarry after you go thru all of this. Another tip. Keep your cleaning rag away from bobbin area when cleaning. Ask how I know this one!!!!! It was right after I changed the hopping foot and wanted to make sure nothing that wasn't supposed to be there wasn't. Boy did I blow it.


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I visited with APQS re: an open toe'd foot over a year ago. It was brought to my attention, that they'd be happy to sell me another foot...but each time I switched it out (as i'd need my old one to do ruler work) I would have to re-time my machine.

uuuuuh..at this point. NO! I'll pass. I've re-timed my machine twice. It's not "that" difficult, mind you, but, it's something i really dont enjoy!

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I paid to have my old foot taken off because it had a cut out in the foot...the foot was still completely round, but was notched out so you could see better. Right!! I agree with Shana 100%. Do you all remember how many rulers I hit; how many times I had to retime my machine because I was always hitting rulers; do any of you remember me throwing my ruler across the room because I hit it again and again and again. Maybe you all are too new to know any of these things...but I didn't like that foot. I now have a normal foot that allows me to quilt without hitting a ruler. I have not had a ruler throwing incident since Amy put a different foot on. I would say....don't do it.

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Hey, I just wanted to add another option to consider before getting that drill out and chopping away... if you want to have better vision to see your needle and thread around your hopping foot area, do like I do and mount a magnifying glass. Or get one of those jeweler's visor thingies with the high magnification. I have both of these items and they work fabulous for seeing way way up close. Works like a charm and my foot is not carved up. When I put the jewler's visor on my head, I can see the fur on an ant's butt. It's that close. Does an ant's butt have fur? I guess you just have to find out for yourself :P

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Wow, I didn't realise this topic would be so popular when I asked this question. I definitely won't be cutting my foot though !!!

Perhaps I shall just have to practice more for better vision !! I might try the white out and red line though! And the magnifier sounds a good idea too.


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