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There is a major and serious Tsunami warning for Hawaii due to the earthquake this morning in Chile. 8.8 on the Richter scale. If you have friends in Hawaii please call them. The government is not going to sound the alarms until 6 a.m. Hawaii time, at which time everyone is going to head for higher ground and there will be traffic gridlock. Woke my niece up just now. She had no idea. Pregnant with two little kids and her husband is on a ship. She is packing and heading out. They are predicting the highest waves since 1964. Also, they have a lesser warning for the California coast up to Alaska. :(:(:(:(

Fortunately they have experience dealing with this in Hawaii, but I still remember the last one that hit. Extra time to prepare is always a good thing.


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Do you happen to know from which direction this Tsunami

will be coming in from,, east, west, south etc.??

My best friend just moved to Hilo 2 weeks ago & one that lives on the Kona side,, thanks for the heads up I will be sure to contact them & hope that no one is hurt!

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Thanks for the warning. I live close to the coast and had not heard anything about this. I checked www.noaa.gov and found the warning there, it even gives the estimated times that a tsunami may hit. I assume that the warning sirens won't be used until later today. Now I will know what the siren means, its a wave not the nuclear power plant leaking!


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All is well here, on the island of Oahu. They are projecting a possible series of waves around six foot high, hitting around 11 a.m. All airports are open, except for Hilo.

The recommendation is to stay off the roads because of gridlock, just in case they evacuate the coastline.

Our concern, right now is that they may shut down the pumping stations (water) and this could cause a sewage backup into the system and streets - yuck. Hopefully, they won't.

In the meantime, we have power and I am holing up in my quilting room for the day, for a little "quilting therapy"!

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Our son lives in Honolulu and has called twice this morning. Said he will call later after it is all over. Fortunately, he no longer lives in EWA Beach or near the beach in Honolulu. He is up on higher ground. Needless to say, he is working from home today. He keeps the computer system in the islands up and running for Kaiser Permanente. He has been busy non stop today. When he and fiance first moved to Hawaii, they were first in Hilo, then Kona, then EWA Beach. They split up and he moved into Honolulu proper. Sounds like the big island will take the biggest hit if this happens. He said he will keep us posted.

Sending prayers up for Chilie and all the Pacific Islanders. Gransdson's surfing contest in San Diego was also cancelled due to a tsunami advisory for the west coast.


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No problems here as yet. The sirens started at 6 am, for an event expected to hit a little after 11 am. At this writing, about 10:30 am, the batteries on the sirens are gradually dying. So far, emergency systems seem to be working well, so we do not anticipate too many serious problems. I will keep you updated, unless we lose power.

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The waves are getting close. They're now reporting that "Strange tides are happening on the big island"...let's keep everyone in prayer for safety.

An irrational childhood fear of mine was of tsunami's...so this interests me on many levels. But I'd rather never have to see one happen, to anyone anywhere.


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Tsunami "train" seems to be subsiding...continued prayers for Chile and all others that have been and are still affected.

With so much happening around the world...I'm embarrassed to have complained about anything this week. I'm reminded of an editorial about not just counting blessings but making every blessing count. This is an uplifting/motivating read. http://www.newsobserver.com/2010/02/13/335755/living-inside-every-minute.html


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