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Originally posted by hmerrill

Well a late Welcome to you Anne! Congrats on your new machine and it looks like your practicing is coming right along. The bubble panto is not an easy one to do with circles being hard for beginners and you did a great job.

Heidi, Yes those circles are probably the hardest thing a beginner can try, lol! I didn't know any better. I tried the circles and thought, Oh man this LAing is going to be much more difficult than I thought! When I tried the next panto, a vine, it was a piece of cake. Yay.

I also have tried more 'difficult looking' pantos with success. For me it seems the complexity of the design offers more places to stop, which makes it not so hard.

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Originally posted by quiltlover03

Hello Anne from Guam. Glad you came out of hiding. Isn't the FREEDOM an awesome machine? I compare machines to cars. The Millie is the Cadillac, the Freedom is the Buick, and my Buick drives just sooooooo smooth! Love your quilting, very creative.

Yep, I'm drivin' a Buick...her name is FREEDOM, and when I say that name I have to sing it like Gladys Knight!

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Rita, you're so cute! A person who was born on Guam is called a Guamanian, or in the native, Chamorro.

I wasn't born here, but my husband who passed away almost 9 years ago, was born and raised on Guam.

I moved here with our 4 children in 2003 from Eden Prairie, Minnesota! No more winters that last 6 months! The kids, turn 21, 19, 18 and 11 this year and we like the tropical living. My 19 year old son will be leaving for boot camp -Marines, in June. He is going to be an awesome Marine!

Thanks EVERYONE for the warm welcome!

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Welcome Anne. Glad that you came out of hiding and joined into the family. Your PPP is looking real good and I hope you will be posting often.

I was on Guam in 1991 when my son was stationed there and met and married a girl who was also stationed there. I didn't get to see too much of the island as there was a typhoon that blew thru the first night I was there and the roads all dissappeared so we didn't get to go far. All I remember is no electricity, no water, but McDonalds was open!!:cool:

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Patty Jo, Ooops! Too bad about the typhoon, the island is gorgeous. See...

<a href="http://home-and-garden.webshots.com/album/576978988MRSmgj"><img src="http://thumb0.webshots.net/t/76/76/9/25/20/2853925200106294600MvGEFq_th.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Webshots.com"></a><br>by <a href=http://community.webshots.com/user/sparky615> sparky615</a>

Libby, thank you. I think of playing the piano, you have to keep up the practice!

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Yes I am enjoying my Freedom! After using the machine for about 2 months, I thought Hmmm...didn't I get quilt glide and where is it? I love the feature! It makes the machine move so smoothly. If anyone is wondering the quilt glide knob is on the front of the machine head just above where the machine handles attach.

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Hafa Adai Peggy!

I lived in Guam for about 10 months in 1993. Loved the concerts at Jeff's Pirate's Cove, Top of the Mar restaurant and shopping at the Ginger Jar. They only had two fabric store when I lived there, can't remember the name of one of them, but the other was the 3rd floor of the Ben Franklins. Do they have a quilt store now?


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