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freehand stitching

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I think your seaweed looks great. Personally I am so glad there are no quilt police. I have been practicing for what seems like forever and I feel like I can't improve as much as most on the site. On the bright side---I do a pretty awesome stipple! Keep up the good work.


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Everything Linda said...only in Caps.

But first and foremost...remember this is suppose to be fun, not stressful. We are our own worst critques and in that we cause ourselves way to much stress. If you like it then its just fine, if you don't then Mr. Ripper is your next best friend, but remember you have the right to tell everyone to bugger off, and that includes hubbies and best friends.

I just got back two of my VERY first quilts that I did back in 1997, one was my MIL's who passed in Feb and the other was my BIL's that passed this past June....and I have to say I am SO glad that I have them back. One because they are the very first two quilts I did on my old LA, but secondly, I have GROWN so much. These both were done with FAT BATTS...and OMG. The toe nail stitches on them are so funny. I didn't have a stitch regulator on my old machine and I was just starting out, and trying to get the stitches and my motion going at the correct speed. Well lets just say I've come a long way Baby. And with time you will see yourself do just the same thing. So keep up the practice and enjoy yourself.:P:P

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i like it - i always like freehand work cuz it is original. it takes guts to put yourself out there and for me that's what its all about. that's how the coolest things are invented...like feathers and mctavishing and all those very wonderful techniques. you never know, you may come up with the next hot thing.

and thanks, kristina for revealing there was no quilting police. its so true how we ulcerate about things that are subject to interpretation. i will try to remember that one for me!

i love this forum.

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