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I just got back from a couple of wonderful longarm shows and really want to focus on improving my skills, so needless to say I am practicing away on a meaningless panel that if it turns out it is a bonus if it doesn't it will make a good dog blanket.

However, when I checked the mail yesterday I got 2 more (for a total of 4) wedding invitations. Now 2 are first cousins and one is one of my husband's employees. The last is a family friend. So last night I had the inspiration to make at least 2 possibly 3 wedding quilts. I bought the fabric for the first two (used the colours of the invitations as the inspiration now I am stuck trying to figure out what to piece. Just not in piecing mode (I would rather be longarm quilting). Played around in EQ6 and at this point I don't want to waste any more time looking for ideas. That is where you wonderfully talented, inspiring, brilliant people come in. (Did I lay it on thick enough;))

What are your go to piecing patterns that you can reccomend that will allow enough free space to focus on the quilting? It would be even better if they were quick to piece too (I know I am asking for alot;))

Thanks in advance for your help as I really could use it!


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A turning 20 quilt might just work for one couple, great suggestion and thank you!! :)


I love Irish Chain, good idea and a little more traditional which I love and one of the couple's would too. Thanks for the suggestion!! :)

One of the color schemes on an invitation was off white, black and red. Now you know they are not getting my reds from our shopping trip. Those are mine!!!!:P:P

As for you, Sylvia,

Good advice.

I have handmade gifts for a long time and several people are off my handmade gift list.:(

Actually when I started working full time as an RN everyone was off my list (just no time). Now that I an no longer working as an RN I choose wisely who I make gifts for.

I will definitely have a backup gift in mind to take the pressue off. I just really want to practice and though it would be a win win situation.

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Lisa...Turning Twenty Again quilts piece fast. AND I quilted it in under 7 hours I think in one sitting...well standing!

Then added binding and went to a friend's house for 3 hours to get help doing the handwork to finish it!

I would love to come help you...kids probably wouldn't want me to go though! :D

How much time do you have to get the tops together?? Maybe I can help you come up with an easy pattern. :)

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Aren't you a doll!!

I would know your kids would miss you terribly. I saw pics of Sven on your blog he looks like he is doing well. I am so glad to see that:).

One wedding is in June that is the one I have no intention of attempting to finish a quilt.

The first one is in August.

The other two are the first two weeks of September.

I have a bit of time but I really want to push the comfort zone with the quilting and do some feathers and high end custom (which makes me nervous just putting it in words).

I thnk if it works out well I will have some great photos to add to my portfolio when I decide to start quilting for others.

So like I said, it is a win, win situation for all. That is if I don't have a nervous breakdown in the process:P:P;)


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Some years ago hubby's brother was getting married. At the shower the week before the wedding, she opened my gift and said "Oh I thought it was something you made". So I went shopping. That was Sunday. I got the fabric, used large acrylic templates and made a Love Ring placement Drunkard's Path. Just two fabrics, the two piece DP block was about 12 inch. I started cutting Sunday morning, and by supper I had the top together. I DSM machine quilted it, and gave it completed at the wedding. If you pick the right colors, you could have some great places to show off quilting. It really could go together quickly for you.

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Well my DD is getting married on June 4--of this year--and I just finished piecing the quilt they are getting married under--now off to the studio to quilt it!!! Will post some pics for you later--I spent all day yesterday and today piecing the 94 X 94 top and hope to quilt it tomorrow so I can bind on Sunday---I always work better under pressure!!!!

The pattern is an old one that I use one of the blocks for an engagement gifts for nieces and nephews--for the wedding quilt I made 16 blocks and used vintage doilies and a piece of ringbearer pillow from my wedding.

The pattern name is Wedding Rings--by Seams and Dreams from Lewisville, TX.


This is a new version--but the same idea.

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I really like that pattern. I just saved it to my favorites. Thanks!

Another quick pattern is the Yellow Brick Road. That is my "go to" fast quilt, but I only do a pantograph or a Circle Lord giant template board on it, so it does not show off any high end, custom quilting.

I also can make a single Irish Chain rather quickly, depending on the size of the block. That gives you alternate blocks to put a feather wreath or something fancy in.

I also did a 25 patch block and alternated it with a plain block and did a feather wreath in it. I'll see if I can post a picture of it here. Oh good, it worked.

I used Quilter's Dream Puff in this quilt and the stitch definition was great. QD wool would be wonderful, too.


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Or...do what Darlene suggested for panto practice when we were there...of course, it depends on how much fabric you bought. Remember?? Two pieces, 1.5 yards each, one for the top, one for the backing, then just quilt it. No piecing required; it looks beautiful, and the people getting it are none the wiser! Its the no stress quilt! Made one for my non-quilting sister's birthday not too long ago. Did meandering feathers all over.

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Too funny that you mentioned that!! My daughter has been asking me to make her a black and white quilt. I started collecting all black and white only fabrics to make her a log cabin using only the white/black on one side and the black/white on the other side all scrappy. Spent a lot of time designing and planning. Have several blocks made and DD came in and looked at the pile and said "what are these?" I proudly replied "the quilt I am making for you":). To that she then said "All I want is black fabric on the front and white fabric on the back with that fancy thread that you have":(.

BTW fancy thread to her is any variegated colourful thread.

Well that project got filed in the bottom of the WIP closet.

So for her two pieces of fabric with a nice E2E or panto will do just fine.

For the wedding quilt(s) I really want to practice and challenge myself so piecing (Albieit easy is good) it is.


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I am a relatively new quilter so I often find myself surprised by all the setting and/or designs of blocks. The love ring setting of Drunkar's path is one such setting that is new to me. I love it, really nice. Thanks!!


Thank you for the link for the pattern. It is great, for the 2nd top I want to piece I think it would be ideal. The invitation from them was black, cream and red. It could look really striking.:)


The quilt in the picture is beautiful and I think anything I decide upon will most likely have an alternate block as it serves two of my purposes.

1) quick piecing:)

2) lots of area to show off the quilting:):cool:


I love stars they are always one of my favourites and if it can be pieced quickly that goes to the top of my list. The first top I want to piece has a chocolate brown, tan and cream colour scheme and it would look great in scrappy brown stars. Thanks!!:)


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