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Long Arm Table Mirror

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Couldn't you use one with a handle on it that you might find at the auto parts store? Kind of like what a dentist uses, only longer. I tried putting a long mirror on my table once, but found that it didn't do anything for me. I find the best way to check my stitches is to do some practice stitching off the side of the quilt and then turn that back so that I can see it in good light. I usually stitch on the right side of the quilt, through only backing and batting.

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i bought a cheap mirror that is for attaching to the back of a door (it was under $10) and have it under my table. i have it sitting on storage bins under there. with it i have a stand light, also under $10, both at home depot.

it works pretty well, sometimes i shine the light into the mirror and it reflects up & sometimes i shine it directly on the quilt back. when you shine it onto the quilt back - it helps to see where you've been when you are freemotioning by lighting up the tiny needle holes.

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