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nqr Photos Added --- Victorian Tea Party at the Botannical Garden!

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Me and my quilty girlfriend are attending high tea today and walking through the botannical gardens at University. It's cloudy today but I think I'll take the 2 seater sports car with the top down anyway --- it has the license plate "Poorsh" and a great stereo that cranks up loud! If it rains I'll put the top up. Gotta have fun!! :) :cool:

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LOL! Just got back. Decided no to take the Poorsh cuz it was looking a lot like rain would come soon. So we had a blast at the tea and walking through the gardens. Lots of lovely teas, specialty nummy numm yummies to eat with tea. Browsed through the gardens where tents were placed and more tea... and more nummy treats, and musicians playing flutes and harps, and artists painting scenes. it was really lovely!! Some ladies were dressed in Victorian era clothes with the big hats. The flowers and trees and fountains and streams and footbridges in the gardens were so lovely. It is at the foothills of the University of Fairbanks (which is on a big hill). They do experimental growing and offer a master gardner program there. My quilty friend is going to take the master gardener class. Really lovely gardens.

And it started to rain as we were leaving. I was going to take pictures of the gardens, foot bridges, little streams and pathways and fountains, but did not want to in the rain... perhaps another (sunny) day I will go back and take pics for you.

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Originally posted by seakitten

Reality check: You're in Alaska. It is summer. Was there a chance of NO rain?

LOL! :P Well, ya got me there, Counsel! ;)

Actually on Saturday it was 85 degrees out, Sunday it was much cooler and cloudy/rainy. Monday (today) it was beautiful and sunny and then turned cloudy with thunder showers and a big black cloud off to the south. Now it's clearing up again. Ya never know with the weather! :cool:

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Guest Linda S

How beautiful! Why is it warmer in Alaska than it is here in Oregon? We made it to 81 today. First time all year we were above 80!

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Originally posted by Linda S

How beautiful! Why is it warmer in Alaska than it is here in Oregon? We made it to 81 today. First time all year we were above 80!

Where I live (Interior of the state) we have sunny clear skies; 60s 70s 80s and even 90s in the summers. In the winters? Sunny clear skies, too but... You don't want to know...it gets cold :D

Anchorage has more temperate (rainy overcast) weather as it is along the coast. Rarely does it get above 70 there, but then again it rarely gets 10 20 or 30 below in the winter either! Again, more snow, rain and clouds down there. But Anchorage mountains and scenery is so beautiful!! I guess wherever you live ya gotta put up with something....

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