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Stages in the life of a Longarm Quilter

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This is great! But, you forgot the stage near the beginning -- the first time you get your tension messed up and decide you really shouldn't have done this and stay away from the machine for about a week. Then you decide -- I wanted to be a professional -- about time I acted like one! And get your butt back up there to play. The hour you promised yourself turns into a nearly all-night marathon, and you're hooked again! ;)

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I can't decide where I am on this list. Frannie Ann and I enjoy each other so much. Hpwever she did give me tension problems this week. At that point I wanted all the quilts waiting in my studio to just go home! LOL But I think I'll hang in there. Love you llist Linda!!!

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Originally posted by shelleywa

Linda, that is hilarious, but true! Do you mind if I share it with at my LAQ get together in a couple of weeks?

And I love Shana's additions!

Share away! And add to it please!

There is another little post back a few years--I can't find it now, but it's "How to endear yourself to your longarm quilter"--- I got a bit of off-forum flak about that post! If you can find it, they might all be nodding their heads and grinning over that one.

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LOL! OK I just thought of one to add... I plan to sell some of my pantographs that I don't need any more. (these will be listed in a separate post - I won't hijack this thread) :D

So, I guess we get to the stage some day where we don't need some of our tools or supplies any more so we decide to sell some of these things and pass them along to the next newbie for a good price!

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Hi Linda, I love Both! The Stages of Life as a Long Arm Quilter

and this one! Wow---you need to write a humorous book about Life as a Long Arm Quilter!

I found this using Google Search.

How to endear yourself to your longarm quilter--

1. Don't plan ahead. You have lots of time to piece that top for the wedding/birthday/graduation. No need to call Susie Longarm and reserve a spot--she needs the business in these hard times and will be glad to do your quilt at a moments notice.

2. Shove the backer, batting and top in a garbage bag--it's her problem to make sure they are the right size and unwrinkled. That's what you are paying her for, right?

3. Ok, maybe you said you would have it to her by Tuesday, but you needed to get your hair/nails/b**bs done. Guess she will have to wait until Friday for the top.

4. When you drop the quilt off, no need to think about a quilting design--that Susie's job. Oh, but no feathers. Or geometrics. Or butterflies. Or those clamshell thingies. Just do what you think best. That won't cost much ,will it? Can we look at thread now?

5. Don't forget to tell her that even though you said you needed it by the 30th, you are going out of town (isn't Maui wonderful?) and need it by the 10th so you can get it bound before you leave.

6. So how much will it be? Wow--that much?! Gee, Jane said you did a King size for her and only charged her $$$. I know that was five years ago and just a stipple, but I don't want to think you are gouging me. Oh, alright.

7. When your quilter calls and says the quilt is ready, wait a week or so to pick it up. You really don't have time before the Maui trip to bind a quilt--you are still searching for the perfect swimsuit.

8. When you pick up the quilt, don't gush over it. Nobody likes a quilter with a big ego. Besides, she may raise her prices if she thinks she is that good. Just nod and say it looks OK. Then ask if she will forgive the sales tax if you pay cash. If she says no, sigh and write her a check. Slowly.

Hi friends! I want you to know that I have the most wonderful, supportive and generous customers that anyone could hope for. But number 5 and number 8 happened to me this week! Same customer! Or should I say "former customer"! I hope this made you smile!!

Linda Rech

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