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MQX West is Spectacular!

Guest Linda S

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Guest Linda S

If you happen to be near Portland, OR tomorrow (Saturday) for any reason, stop by the Convention Center and see the MQX show. The quilts are spectacular, the vendors are wonderful, and we've been having the best time taking great classes all week. Don't miss it! You'll not see the likes of these quilts near here anytime soon!

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I agree...I've taken 8 class so far with 3 more to take on Saturday, all have been fantastic and the teachers are super. I didn't leave enough time for the trade floor although tonight I discovered I'm broke anyway:o:o:o. I've met quilters from all over the world...can't wait for next year.


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MQX was so inspiring, the energy is awesome!

Great quilts! Wonderful vendors!

I took Amy's mantenance class, and had a ball, and learned tons, I'm feeling more confident tearing into my machine. Also got to test drive Bliss, and I'm speechless. I couldn't believe what was coming out of my hands. Beth, you'll be the first to know when I'm ready to order.

Ronnie in Nehalem

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Yeah, yeah, yeah. I expected the classes to be great, I expected the show to be great, I expected the vendors to be great what I didn't necessarily expect was all the ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS NEW FRIENDS I made and the BLAST I had. I cannot wait until next year. My head is still spinning. Good food, good times and great people.

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We came. We saw. We learned. We laughed. We met those friends-we-have-never-met-before but are our chat family. We ate (oh jeez, did we eat...) We bought and bought and bought--visited EESchenk for the first time and I must say, Wow! Superior Threads liked us a lot. As did Sew Batik. Paddy's was a blast. The Convention Center was big and beautiful. The quilt show was inspiring. The banquet is a must-see if you ever go.

Next year we will be more organized as an APQS group, will have a bigger venue for the APQS Chat Forum dinner, will try to get a group of forum-mates all in the same hotel so we can have a jammie party--but I can't imagine having any more fun than this one was.

I had a hands-on class with Renae Haddadin doing mini-micro-teeny-tiny fills--with an Innova. Little bit of a learning curve there!

My buddy and I got a great deal (thanks Lynda N for the info) at the Ramada near the airport. You can fly into PDX and shuttle to your hotel (Red Lion, Ramada, Holiday Inn Express, etc.) and when you are ready to get to classes, your hotel shuttle will take you to the airport (zero dollars) you will get on the Max--Portland's fabulous train system-- $5 for all day--to be dropped off at the Convention Center entrance. Trains are clean, quick and safe.

I will be returning to this show next year for sure.

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Guest Linda S

It was wonderful to meet so many of you. Having attended MQX East for the past seven (six or seven?) years, walking into the Ice Cream Social on Tuesday night was like old home week. There were all my buddies from MQX East! And then I got to meet a whole new bunch of buddies from the West! I had five IQ classes that were just mind-blowing, and had an all-day Saturday class with the fabulous Sharon Schamber. You should see my applique piece! Woooo Hooo! I am now ready to take the quilt world by storm! :P

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Ditto all that. The shown was great. the teachers fabulous, I can hardly wait to get back home & start quilting. Thanks to friends new & old who added immeasurably to the fun of the experience. I like to do at least one show a year, & split it up so I can experience all the different venues, but I just might be back in Portland next year!

Right now, I am down in Santa Clara at PIQF. I can't believe it! The show seems twice as big as it was the last time I was here, just 2 years ago. It is much larger than MQX, with both machine and hand quilting exhibited, and a special exhibit of quilts from all around the world. Very inspiring. The vendor mall is totally different from a show that is geared to machine quilting professionals -- there's so much STUFF! And all of it is glittery & blingy; it's hard to resist. Our JoAnne Hoffman took a big prize for her "Last of the Blueberries" (gorgeous!), & I am sure other forum members were represented also. There's so much I can't keep track. Loving the experience. The show ends today. I just wish it didn't have to overlap with MQX.

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I loved MQX West and loved meeting all of you....SusieQ (my roommate), Linda S, Linda R, Lynda N, Hitomi, Dory, Catherine, Corey.....just to name a few.

Count me in for next year, the classes were excellent, the quilts OMG jaw dropping, Paddy's ...too much fun (not a good time to have laryngitis).

And, I shopped til I dropped! Can't wait to try out all my rulers, pantos, and watch my new DVD's!

I also loved Claudia's Mermaid Quilt!

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It was such an inspiring show for a new comer. Loved the classes and had a great time spending money:) I will get more time off work to do more classes next year. It was nice having it in my backyard:cool: Came home and did maintance on my machine, things where not quiet right, so back to Amy the next day:P

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We finally made it home in Bakersfielf, Ca. after 21 hours of train ride.

MQX has excellent teachers and the classes are plenty for every level.

Bought lots & lots of threads from Superior and few from Aurifil, red snapper and the side clamp from Red snapper & another side clamp from calico kitten, backings from Sew Batik and Sharon Shamber's magic bobbin washers.

Met the MOXIES as well as APQS FORUM friends @ Paddy's.

Saturday night after a very long day, Donna aka Hitomi, Meg Marshall, Crystal Smythe & Lori Garcia joined us for drinks @ Our hotel, Marriot Courtyard and dinner afterward @ Charlies. It was wonderful to visit with Anya & Shar. I could go on & on, but you already got it? Everyone enjoyed the family gathering of LONGARMERS.


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I enjoyed the people most of all. Cory, I loved our late dinner together at Charley's. It was fun to get to know all of you. We were there till almost closing, huh? I had to go back to hotel to dry my laundry, LOL! G;ad you made it back to Bakersfield. Looking forward to getting my own IQ. Will hopefully be able to attend another event to take more IQ classes too, or maybe you can teach me.

MQX was a wonderful experience for a new longarmer. The vendor mall was great and the classes was super. I spent every free time I had there.

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OK girls - it was wonderful!!! Cory - glad the 2 of you made it safely - no train ride next year??? LOL!! Hitomi, when does your IQ arrive, Shar & Anya - so glad to finally connect!! (actually the 2nd time for Shar). All in all, a great time and will have to plan on next year!! Thanks to everyone and happy quilting!! I hope to get back to quilting in about 3 weeks - finish date is getting closer though I must admit that I nearly lost it today - everything after 9am went wrong, went wrong, etc - you get the picture...

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