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Remember the Great Bargello Project?

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THe Great Bargello Project is going to MQX! We've been invited to exhibit our quilts at MQX! Check out the link below. We are so excited we can hardly stand it! In fact, we are going to go to the show in Portland!


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We have our hotel reservations at the Marriott. This is so cool!

Last night I had a dream that we got to the airport ticket counter and I had no shoes on (left them in the car) and I also left my ticket at home!!! I had to drive back home to get my ticket. Anna was very patient. LOL I am not the best flyer in the world, so maybe that is why I cannot remember my tickets and shoes. I'm just asking the doc for drugs and trusting Anna and Susan to get me there safely:D:D Maybe we could opt to drive?????? Ohio to Oregon? maybe not!

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I had so much fun at MQX. Everyone who helps them is fabulous. It'll be such a thrill to see your work hung there. Tell the girls to take the opportunity and enter a quilt into emerging entrants. You might even leave with some money in your pocket!

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