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By jove, I think I've got it!!!

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Originally posted by QuiltyLaine

Finally! I got this practice piece loaded and Lucey is hummin' along! Thank you so much to all those who came to my rescue! Don't think this is the last of my dumb questions though!


The only "dumb" question is the one you're too embarrassed to ask!! We've all been there, so don't hesitate to come here to ask what seem like "dumb" questions!!! Besides, very shortly, there will be someone even newer than you who will benefit from the questions that you ask!;)

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....................................................next newbie tip........dont get humming along at a fast rate and get almost to the bottom of the quilt and decide you want to rewind and fill in some areas on the top before you get too far to the end ,...........you cant now because its all three layers are sewn ,.........you have to finish quilt or unpin the top at the bottom to finish rolling it back ,just thought I would toss this in since it happened to me on my first practice run ,hope you have fun like I did ,zoom zoom zoom

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I didn't understand this tip: can you explain further????

....................................................next newbie tip........dont get humming along at a fast rate and get almost to the bottom of the quilt and decide you want to rewind and fill in some areas on the top before you get too far to the end ,...........you cant now because its all three layers are sewn ,.........you have to finish quilt or unpin the top at the bottom to finish rolling it back ,just thought I would toss this in since it happened to me on my first practice run ,hope you have fun like I did ,zoom zoom zoom

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there are no dumb questions! I had to call APQS because I couldn't get the machine to start stitching... the little jack wasn't plugged in all of the way! :o I thought I had checked that, but guess not that well! glad to hear you got her up and running.

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Ann RE;Newbie Tip ,what I had done was quilted a free motion pattern I made up and decided I wanted to add more detail to the beginning of the quilt so I went to roll back both my back rollers only to realize it cant be seperated because I have already quilted it ,I needed to finish quilting to the bottom now and stabilize it and unpinn the bottom of the quilt top so they would then both roll back on one roller ,I hope it makes better sence ,its almost one of those you had to of been there moments but I got a good chuckle out of it ,so glad it was only practice but I am making progress ,my real frustration is not being able to post pics ,I have a quilt top that I need advise on ideas ,it might get tossed on the back burner because its my favorite ,its a pattern by Elenior Burns called summer porch and I used all Amy butler prints ,its so colorful for summer .

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Once you get your pic to your desktop are you following the directions exactly?

Go down to the "attachment" line and click on "browse" box. Find your pic and click on it. It should put an address in this box.

Must click on "Edit Post" can NOT choose the "Preview Post". Rename your pic something simple and without any symbols (no 's or anything). Resize it to around 600x800 pixels. Then try to post.

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Don't preview your picture before you post. Are you absolutely certain there are no apostrophes or other extraneous punctuation marks anywhere in the name of the picture. I couldn't understand why - mary's quilt - wouldn't post until I tried - marys quilt ! Offends my sense of grammar but works for posting pics!

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I have windows7 and have tried everything ,my pics have names like flower ,leaf ,vine and resized to 400x 600 ,put them all in a new folder ,would it matter if my folder is in CAPS ,APQS ,thats the only thing I have not checked ,the light bulb just clicked

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Originally posted by queenie123

I have windows7 and have tried everything ,my pics have names like flower ,leaf ,vine and resized to 400x 600 ,put them all in a new folder ,would it matter if my folder is in CAPS ,APQS ,thats the only thing I have not checked ,the light bulb just clicked

folder names shouldn't affect anything. Make sure you have no . , " ! # @ or any other special characters. Also make sure your pictures are jpeg. Oh and don't hit preview. If you still can't get it loaded email it to me and I'll see if I can figure out why it won't post.

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