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Fabric fairy headed north


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This is the third day since my last surgery and I'm feeling pretty sore and tired today. It will be much better tomorrow I'm sure. I've done VERY well which is probably why I'm tired and sore today...LOL.

My DD headed home this morning. I didn't want her to go. I've enjoyed her so much this week. Boy can her man cook. I wasn't particularly hungry, but the little tastes of it was good and they kept my man fed well. I miss her already.

I went to my studio this morning to gather the fabric for my DGD and I had my husband bring up two boxes and just fill them both with all the fabric on a couple of the shelves. She will have LOTS for quilt tops and I know there were at least three fabrics that had more than 10 yds so she has a couple of backs too. He asked if I wanted to sort through and think about it and I said "NO...just put them in here...I'll look at what I gave her when I start seeing the quilts she makes from it". I gave her a new lg cutting mat, rotary cutter and rulers to help her. I remember being young and broke and how much I would have loved a fabric fairy. I was too tired to pick out books, but that's ok...she has the internet and we communicate a lot. My DD will drop them off to her on their way home. DD lives in Portland and DGD lives in Grants Pass so it's right on the way.

Loved all the pics this week and reading comments from everyone. Makes recuperating a little better. We're a great group.

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Rest up and remember you might still be tired for up to 6- 8 weeks! Your body is healing even if you think you're good. You DGD is going to love you for being the fabric fairy! What fun! Be sure to share her creations with us. I too remember when I had to think twice about everything I bought and whow how nice would that have been to receive such a precious gift!

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She is teaching herself how to sew. She is 22 years old and doesn't live near her Grammy (me). I gave her a sewing machine a few years back. She watched the video how to make a strip quilt and somewhere put in too many steps and ended up with this quilt. She said it was 29" x 92". Yikes! So I sent her instructions on how to cut it down and add fabric to give it better dimensions. She didn't have any more of the original fabric so I told her to pick another fabric. Which she did. You'll see in the next pic. By the way...it didn't help her confidence when her father thought this was a "rug".

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Then she added these borders and it was looking good. I sent her info on how to square her quilt and add another border. In the meantime, someone told her she had to wash it so she did. It became an unsavable mess. Now we're going to start over. She was doing so good. And bless her heart...she is hanging in there.

Good things are going to come out of her...just wait and see.

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Oma, thank you for sharing Lacey with us, You are right, she is beautiful and how blessed she is to have a grandmother that is her cheerleader.

Glad to hear you are better, please take good care of yourself.

I will also vote for you to be grandmother of the year. What a terrific thing to do for her. If she runs out of material, have her stop by my house in Gresham, I could be her second fabric fairy as none of my DDs or DGDs are interested in anything crafty.

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Woman you need to slow down to heal !!! Your granddaughter is so blessed to have a fabric fairy ,you are right ,it is very difficult to aquire these items when you are young ,its so wonderful that she is catching right on and keeping her busy ,you have given her a gift like no other .There were really no quilters around me growing up but my aunt helped me make one quilt and I still thank her to this day for turning me on to the quilting bug ,I have spare time finally to enjoy my sewing ,I make everything for our home ,draperies ,furniture slipcovers ,now quilts ,when my children were young I made most of thier clothes ,I just love to sew ,but nobody knew it because I also worked industrial construction most of my life full time .

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Glad you are feeling better and you are an awsome grandma. I think it is so important to pass some of our talents on to others. I try to help others learn quilting and especially my daughter and granddaughter. They love coming to my house and visiting the sewing room to look and choose fabric. I just sent a machine home with my daughter to make a raggy baby quilt which I cut out for her. She doesnt know but Santa is bringing her a machine of her own. I also remember when I was young and couldnt afford things to help me sew with but I do help mine with these things too.

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What a thoughtful gift for your DGD, Oma! She will get oodles of fun picking out fabric for new projects and will enjoy having proper tools to work with. She is a cute girl, and obviously has a lot of natural talent to be able to figure out how to piece and crochet on her own! Good for her!

Glad to hear that you are recuperating; try to rest and allow your body time to heal! ((hugs))

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She called last night after they dropped off her boxes. Yes...I sent two boxes. She said she was so excited she would probably be awake all night trying to decide what to make first. She has to work today, but then she has two days off. I went to sleep doing the happy dance for her and her excitement.

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Glad you are feeling better. Sharing fabric and passing on traditions is wonderful. My mom is 86 years old was in a wheelchair again this past few weeks , she is still quilting with her wheelchair parked in front of her machine. Take it slow and you will back at your machine soon too.


Happy quilting


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